Ethan Imagine for @noiusnudes

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This imagine is for @noiusnudes and I hope you enjoy. Again thanks for being patient with me. Love you guys :)

"Marissa get up!!" Ethan said while jumping on my bed. I just groaned in response. I turned over on my back to look at Ethan and he fell off my bed. I started laughing and I looked over my bed and he called me a turd from his position on the ground. I rolled back on the bed and pulled the covers over me again. Ethan got up and pulled the covers off my bed and ran with them down the stairs and into the living room, plopping down on the couch.

"ETHAN GRANT!!" I was mad because it was too early in the morning and I wanted to sleep in, but noooo. My best friend just had to come over and wake me up.

"Ethan, you better give me my blanket back now. It is too early for this!" I heard him scoff and that is when I saw him all curled up on the couch. He turned to look at me and smiled that smile that I fall for every time.

"Marissa, it is 12 in the afternoon." He stated matter of factly. I just groaned and jumped on the couch in attempt to get my covers.

"Ethan come on." I said sweetly, hoping my puppy dog eyes and my sweet innocent voice would help me. It didn't.

"Marissa, if I give you the blankets back, you have to promise to go and get dressed and brush your teeth. Your breath stinks." He told me while fanning his hand in front of his nose.

"Fine." I was about to get up but I felt a hand pulling on my wrist. I turned around to find Ethan sticking his pinky out.

"Pinky promise?" I laughed to myself and put my pinky out and hooked it around his.

"Pinky promise." With that he let me go and get changed. Now that I think about, he never told me how to dress or if we were going anywhere specific. Ehh. I walked over to my closet and got dressed in my favorite outfit. I didn't put on any make up. I made my way to my bathroom and started to brush my teeth. While I was doing so, Ethan came in and was just watching me. We stared at each other for the longest time in the mirror. I got done brushing my teeth and when I brought my head back up from spitting Ethan was gone. That's weird. We are just best friends. I walked out of the bathroom and down the stairs and to the front door.

"You look beautiful." Ethan complimented me.

"Thanks. You don't look to bad yourself." I knew I was blushing so I looked away.

"Alright, let's go!!" Ethan yelled trying to break the silence. I realized that the silence just experienced was not awkward at all.

We both got our longboards/pennyboards (I think that is what they are called. lol) and were just riding down the street. I let Ethan lead the way because he knows where we are going and decided not to tell me. We started riding around the curve of our neighborhood and that's when I realized something. We were heading to the park! I love the park! Once we got to the park entrance we hoped off our boards and made our way over to the swings, but not just any swings. Our swings. Ethan and I have know each other for the longest time and once we started hanging out with each other, we always came to the park and swang. We had picked the same set of swings every time we met up with each other. We even put our initials on the bottom of our swing. It was our thing. I looked at Ethan just to notice he was already looking at me. I gave him a smirk and took off towards the swings. I was laughing the whole way there and kept checking behind me to see if Ethan was still there. Soon enough he started to pass me by and there was no way I was going to have that. We finally made it to the swings and just started laughing. I love moments like this. Hanging out with your best friend and laughing at each other for no reason. I was brought out of my moment by Ethan waving his hand in front of my face.

"Marissa, Marissa!!" I turned to look at him and gave him the 'you have my attention now what' face. That's when he got up to go and sit on a bench not to far ahead of our swings. I got up and followed him because you don't just get someones attention and not talk to them. When I took a seat next to him, I noticed he was doing his twiddling with his thumb thing he does when he is nervous.

"Ethan, do you have something you need to tell me?" I asked while putting my hands on his in hopes it might make him less nervous.

"Yeah, but I don't want you to not be my best friend anymore, or for you to hate me." He turned to look at me met by gaze.

"Marissa, ever since the day that you moved in next to my family I knew we were going to be friends. I never knew that we would be the best of friends. Now, don't get me wrong, I love being best friends with you. I do. I just want to be more than best friends. I want to be best friends and something else." He finished and looked down at his hands. I didn't know what to say. I mean I have felt this way for sometime now, but to know that he feels the same way is just amazing.

"Ethan, I feel the same. Honest." He looked up from his hands and put his hand on my cheek. He started to lean in and so I did the same. OMG IM ABOUT TO KISS MY BEST FRIEND! I was silently screaming this in my head, while being as calm as a cucumber on the outside. When our lips collided, it was magical. His lips were so soft and plump. We fit together like puzzle pieces. When we pulled away, we were both breathless.

"Marissa, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes Ethan." I said happily. I didn't want to yell because we were face to face. I threw my arms around his neck and when we pulled me into the hug I could feel his smile against my neck.

"C'mon, let's go back to your house and lay on the trampoline and look at the stars." Ethan said to me while pulling me up and off the bench.

"I'll race you back to the house." I said while running and getting my board.

"CHEATER!" I heard him yell while I took off. I heard him reach up to me and then it was a head to head competition back to my house. We reached the trampoline in my backyard and by the time we got done jumping and doing tricks, it was getting dark. The sun was almost done setting and the stars were brighter than ever. Ethan layed down and I layed beside him. He had his arm around me and the other under his head.

"I'm glad you said yes Marissa." He mumbled to me.

"Me too, me too." I smiled to myself, today was a great day.

a/n: Heyy guys! I am so grateful you guys are being patient with me. I have all your imagines in my drafts and am editing them. I need your feedback on these imagines. Tell me what I need to work on or if you liked something, go ahead and tell me! I love you guys!

Peace out girl scout :)

Ethan and Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now