Ethan Imagine for @CarolaSleepwalker

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Hey guys this imagine is for @CarolaSleepwalker again I think that you may have changed your name. Anyways, I hope you enjoy.

Ethan's P.O.V.

"Carola, I wanna do something fun today. Don't get me wrong, cuddling with you watching TV is fun, I just want to do something else." I said while looking at her. She turned the TV off and turned around to face me. 

"You don't have to explain yourself to me ya know. What did you have in mind?" She said with a cute giggle at the end. 

"Well, how about we go to the movies?" She cringed at the idea and I could tell that was a no.

"How about the trampoline place?" Now it was my turn to cringe. I have heard so many bad things about High Rise.

"OH I KNOW!" I said while sitting myself up. She laughed at my excitement. 

"How about we go ICE SKATING?" I said and she smiled. She gave me a kiss and grabbed my hand so we could go and get ready.  OH how I love her.

Carola's P.O.V.

I went to the closet and gout out my hoodie that had NERDS ARE KEWL written across it and my black leggings and my dark gray ugg boots. Considering that it is mid December and plus since we are going to be at an ice rink, it is going to be cold. I put my long brown hair in a fishtail braid and went downstairs to me Ethan. He looked good as always. He smiled when he saw me and we headed out the door to his black Range Rover. The car ride didn't take long since the rink was only 10 minutes into town.

"You're beautiful you know?" He smiled at me and held my hand over the console. I just blushed and thanked him. I don't know why he is so good to me. I mean he waits on me hand and foot, compliments me 24/7 and he is always there when I need him. He is the best boyfriend in the world.  

"You're the best girlfriend in the world. You may not think that you deserve me or that you're not good enough for me, but you are the perfect match for me. I feel like I am not good enough for you.  I mean we have been dating for a year and a half and we were and still are best friends. I love you and you need to be reminded of that everyday." He parked the car after his little speech and that's when I unbuckled and leaned over kissed him. Not a heated kiss, but a slow and passionate, meaningful kiss. He pulled away first and leaned his forehead against mine. 

"C'mon, let's go skate." I pecked his cheek and went to reach for my door handle but to my avail, Ethan was already out the door and on my side of the car opening my door for me like a true gentleman. 

"Thank you Mr. Dolan." 

"You're welcome my lady." We laughed at ourselves and linked hands and walked to the entrance of the rink. Walking side by side down the hallways of the huge building, we took plenty of selfies and made a ton of vines. The walk also involved Ethan taking my picture while I was watching the little kids and their parents walking down the hall, or other young couples like ourselves. We finally made it up to the front desk to get our skates. Putting our stuff into the locker they let us use, we laced hands once again and stepped out onto the ice. We made our first lap around the ice while holding onto the wall. Once we got the just of things, we took a leap of faith and made our way towards the middle. 

"Carola, don't let go of my hand please." Ethan told me in all seriousness.

"Me don't let go of you, you don't let go of me. I'm new at this just like you are." We both laughed and skated together for a while longer.

"Okay, I am going to let go so I can try and do this on my own." I told him while letting go and moving my feet. Slowly but surely.

"Look Ethan! I'm doing it!" I yelled to him. 

"Smile Princess!" He had taken his phone out and I smiled real big and he just said beautiful.

"You're turn Eth." I skated my way over to him and he turned pale.

"Um, I'm not so sure Carola." 

"I did it, and I know you can too."  He nodded his head while letting out a big breath. I held his hand for a little bit, like a parent holding onto to their child who is just learning to ride their bike without training wheels.

"Okay, you can let go. I got this." He told me. I let go and  he didn't even go 2 steps before loosing his balance and falling on his butt. Hard.

I busted out laughing while I was getting an evil glare from Ethan that was on the ground below me. I stopped laughing and held out my hand for him. Bad idea. He took the opportunity before I had the chance to protest. 

"Ethan, that was not necessary. Now we are both going to have big bruises on our booties."

He just laughed as we both attempted to get up at the same time. Both of us falling down again. People skating by us didn't like the fact that we were blocking their way but Ethan and I could careless what people thought. He finally made it up and helped me after I fell once more. We decided that we had had enough skating and falling for one day. 

He grabbed my skates from my hands and handed them to the lady at the front desk. Putting my boots back on, I grabbed his hand we walked up the stairs and out the doors to the parking lot. Getting in the car being careful not to slip on the ice and snow that had just recently fallen. Starting the car up, Ethan turned to look at me. 

"I had a great day princess. Thanks for teaching me how to skate." 

"No thank you for the laughs and the great day and the idea in the first place. I love you."

I kissed his cheek but at the last moment he turned his head so I kissed his lips. I smiled at his cheeky side showing. 

"Lets go home and warm up." He smiled while grabbing my hand and holding it over the console. Smiling to myself I couldn't think of a better way to spend my day then with my goofy boyfriend. 

Hey guys, I hoped you liked this imagine. Don't forget to vote and comment on something you would like for me to write in the near future. Love you guys and don't forget that you're the reason for someone's smile. Peace out girl skouts. :)

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