Ethan Imagine for Alisa

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Heyyo! This imagine is for Alisa! I think you may have changed your username but I hope you like it!!

"Hey babe, what movie do you want to watch?" I holler to Ethan who is currently getting blankets and pillows from our room.

"Um, how about Rocky?" He hollered back. You smiled because Rocky was one of your favorite movies out of the Rocky series. You went and found some snacks and got some sodas. You heard footsteps coming down the stairs and when you went into the living room you found Ethan setting the blankets and pillows along the couch. You put the snacks and drinks on the coffee table and went to put the movie in. You turned around to find your boyfriend all snuggled up into the blankets being all cute. 

"You're cute you know." I laughed while snuggling up beside him. 

"Yeah I know but you're cuter." He said while pulling me into him even more. Halfway through the movie I heard what sounded like pitter patter of the rain. I got up from Ethan's side and pushed my fingers between two blinds covering the window. Sure enough I was right. It was raining lightly but the clouds in the sky were a sign that it wasn't going to let up anytime soon. I looked back at Ethan and we both smirked like the had the same idea.  We raced each other up the stairs and into our room. We were both giggling the whole time. I went over to the closet and got our rain boots and rain coats. We again raced each other down the stairs and out the door. Running out into the front yard and jumping in puddles like a couple of kids. Without saying anything he came over to me and picked me up by my waists. His strong arms holding me up the air while he spun me around and around causing me to laugh. He stopped and looked me right in the eyes and at that moment it is like the whole world stopped. I brought my hands down to his wet face and pulled him in for a sweet and loving kiss. He was still holding me and then thunder crackled through the sky and he jumped and dropped me on my butt. I started laughing and when he brought his hand down to help me I pulled him down with me. 

"Are you okay? I didn't mean to drop you." He moved my soaking hair from my face. 

"I am fine. Promise. I just love moments like these. I'm glad I don't get to do life with anyone besides  you Ethan Grant." I turned my head and he pulled me in for another kiss before we headed inside to warm up and finish our movie and cuddle session. 

I loved writing this bc it was really cute. The kiss in the rain and playing in the rain are relationship goals tbh. I hoped you liked the imagine. 

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