Mariokart, hugs, and pizza

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'OKAY WHO THREW THAT BLUESHELL?!' Kel protested as he started to drive again.

'Dunno but it was helpful.' Sunny teased as he overtook kel

'No fair!'

Basil wasnt too far behind the other two. He had some shells but felt a little bad about using them on his boyfriends so he was avoiding using them. The finishline came into veiw. Kel just manadged to overtake sunny. 'Ha!' Kel poked his tounge out teasingly.

'Fine. You win.' Sunny sighed wrapping his arms around basil pulling him into a hug.

Basil placed his head on sunnys shoulder. 'Good game.' He murmured softly into sunnys ear.

'Good game!' Kel said flopping down next to them and pulling the other two boys onto him.

Basil was sandwiched in the middle. He felt warm and cozy. His head was on kels chest. He could hear kels heart beating softly. Sunnys warm breaths danced along basils cheek. Kels strong arms wrapped either side of him keeping the three of them in place. They stayed like that for a long silent moment all three of them not wanting to move apart.

'I love you guys.' Kel murmured softly before kissing basil then sunny on their foreheads. 

'I love you too.' Sunny responded reaching a hand across basils shoulder to playfully ruffle kels messy hair. He felt sunnys other hand running through his own hair.

Basil felt his face burn softly as his heart skipped a beat. He reached his own hand out to place on kels now reddening cheek. He brushed his fingers along the side of kels face. 'I love you.' He whispered softly to his boyfriends as sunny ran his hand down kels hair to meet basils where he slid his palm over the back of his hand and wrapped his fingers between basils.

Sunny squeezed his hand gently running his thumb along the side of basils hand. Suddenly kels stomache growled breaking the quiet.

'Heh... im uh hungry.. ' he stated akwardly as his stomache growled again quieter this time.

Sunnys weight lifted off of basil as the slightly taller boy sat up. 'Should we eat?' He asked.

Basil felt a little hungry. He nodded. 'Yeah i could eat.' He shifted so he could sit up.

They got up and walked to the kitchen. Hero stood at the sink washing some dishes. Kel walked to the fridge and opened it.

'Uhhhhhhhhm......' he started rummadging through the fridge before pulling out a slice of cheese. A single slice of cheese. Just one. He closed the fridge door and turned back to his boyfriends. 'Wanna share?' He asked.

'Kel. No. One slice of cheese is not a meal.' Hero sighed gazing at his younger brother. 'Heres twenty dollars go to ginos and get a pizza to share or something.'

Kel nodded taking the twenty dollar note as he shoved the cheese slice in his mouth. 'Thanks bro!' He smiled a toothy smile bits of cheese stuck in his teeth. 'Thank you' basil and sunny said gratefully to hero as they left the kitchen to head out to ginos. Sunny stood in the middle. His hand brushed basils as they went. Basil wanted to hold his hand but they were in public. And he wasnt sure if sunny was okay if people noticed.

Basil gazed at his boyfriends smiling softly. He grabbed out his camera and took a picture while they werent looking. He smiled at it before putting his camera and the photo carefully in his pocket.

'So. What flavor pizza should we get?' Kel asked.

'I like the vegetable one.' Basil said.

'Ew vegetables.' Kel said scrunching his nose up.

 Sunny giggled. 'Just wait till you hear what pizza i like.' 

'What?' Kel asked


'What!? Howwww???' 

'Pineapples not too bad.' Basil agreed.

'I-' kel started before falling silent.

'What pizza do you want kel?' Sunny asked.

'Pepperoni! Yknow like a decent human.' He said playfully poking his tounge out.

They stepped inside the ginos and walked up to the cashier. They ended up getting a large pizza that was one third pineapple, one third peperoni, and one third vegetable before deciding to sit at a booth and wait for their pizza.

Once it had arrived they started to dig in when footsteps approached their table and aubrey stared at them looking hurt. 'What are you guys doing hanging out without me... i thought we were all friends!'

Authors note: yes.

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