Part 1

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You've been in this room for who knows how many days now. You haven't seen sunlight in what feels like forever. The beatings and tests are running you ragged. You feel like you can't even breathe right anymore. Something was off. You try to think about the time you had with your family before they got to you. Before they discovered your abilities. The beatings to try and get you to use your powers are wearing you down. Yet you have refused to show an ounce of your abilities. Not even the rape they subjected you too. You have held on to your own inner strength. It's hard but, you're doing it.

You know your name, but barely. They keep calling you the Winter Flame. You guess it has something to do with your eyes and how they changed when you tried to protect your family. You knew the color would blow out and consume your eyes in the entirety. One of the things that kept you so strong was faith that one day someone good would come along and save you. But that too was starting to seem like an unlikely dream.

It's a new day. You can tell by the food, if you can even call it that, that they bring you. Its some kind of porridge. Unsweetened and high calorie and protein. Gotta keep your physical strength up apparently. As you're picking at your "breakfast" you hear something new. It sounds like a bomb is going off above your head. Fear instantly slamming into your chest. You crawl into the furthest part of your little cell and pull a blanket around your naked frame. Clothes not something you have worn since after you were taken. They got in the way according to the soldiers that came to your cell nightly to have their way with you.

Outside in the hall you hear men shouting. Some one or something is coming your way. You huddle a little tighter into your blanket and unwilling start to cry silently. You hated that you were reduced to tears so easily. You were stronger than this.

Jumping suddenly as you hear a bang right outside your door. Then another one slams the door, denting it. Another one and it flies off the hinges into the wall next to you. A scream flees you as the impact shakes the ground under you. Cowering into your blanket more you barely see a man in an iron suit step through the door. Shaking you don't notice him stepping out of said suit while looking at you. The man crouches next to you and in a soft voice asks, "Can you stand?"

You look up at him for the first time and see a go-tee covering his face and his eyes looks saddened. You shake your head telling him no. you weren't able to stand on your own for days now. One of the soldiers having their way with you bruised your pelvis. The man sighs softly and goes back to his suit. He steps into it and you hear him say, "I'm going to pick you up. I need you to hang on to me as tightly as you can. I'm going to get you out of here and somewhere safe."

You nod, wide eyed, at him and watch him approach you. He bends in his metal suit and softly lifts you off the ground. Your blanket slipping off your shoulder. He gently pulls it back into place and he turns. As he steps into the hall, the movement jarring you in such a way the pain overwhelms you and you pass out.

When you wake next you're in some sort of flying machine, laying on a bench. Hazily you look around and see more people. You see a man in a blue suit with a start on the chest. He's carrying a red white and blue shield. A woman standing next to him talking softly. Her red hair tied back in a tight braid. Her black leather body suit hugging all over her curves tightly. As look to the cockpit you see the man that saved you sitting next to another man with a bow strapped to his back. Turbulence hits the plane and you are jarred again. A small whimper leaves your lips and you promptly pass right back out. 

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