Part 3

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Your eyes snap open and the first thing you see is the Winter Soldier. Your body reacting of its own accord, you bolt off the table and end up on the floor opposite of him. Tears springing to your eyes, a scream building in your throat cut short as he holds his hands up in innocence and says softly, "Hey, hey its okay. I'm not going to hurt you. You're safe here."

You look around and see advanced tech. Not like the stuff from where you were held captive. Your eyes flicker back the Winter Soldier and then around the room. The tears finally falling. You look back up at him and must try three times before saying, "Where am I?"

"You're at the Avengers compound. Well, it's a tower but you're safe. No one here is going to hurt you. My name is Bucky. What's yours?" He says softly.

You look around again and then back at him and say your name softly. He smiles gently at you and moves to walk around the table. "Can I sit by you, Y/N?"

You nod at him and curl yourself into a small ball against the wall. He moves to sit next to you, and you flinch as his shoulder bumps yours. The tears still silently falling. You look around and take time to notice that you're in a very clean lab. Not like the dirty one where you were before. You start shaking thinking about where you were. You breathe deeply trying to calm down. You look at your hands and whisper, "I'm free?"

"Yeah, you're free. You are safe." Bucky says looking at you.

Suddenly the weight of what he's saying hits you. You start to sob loudly, body wracked with the force of it. You feel a cold clothed arm wrap around your shoulder as you're pulled into a gentle yet strong hug. Bucky whispering to you that its okay, that you were safe. No one was going to hurt you anymore.

After what seemed like hours, your tears finally coming to a stop. You move to pull away from Bucky and he lets you. You look at him from the conner of your eye and softly ask, "Where can I get some clothes. I'm freezing."

"Come with me. I'm sure we can find you something that'll work for now." Bucky says standing and holding out his hand to you.

You look up at him for a moment and hesitantly take his hand. He pulls you up gently. You grab the sheet that's wrapped around you and hold it tightly to your chest. You take your hand back from his and nod, letting him know to lead the way. He turns and starts towards the door of the lab. You follow behind him cautiously. Thinking to yourself that this is a trap. You aren't really free. It's just a matter of time that he turns and reveals the Winter Soldier to you.

As you walk in the hall you keep an alert eye as you follow Bucky. He glances back to make sure you're still following. Coming to a large area you see more people talking. You recognize two of them from the plane and your breathing picks up. There's more people that you don't know and its scaring you. Bucky notices your distress and stops short of going further into the room. He turns and stands in front of you blocking your view of the room. The man was huge.

Bucky slowly lifts his hands and places them on your upper arm. One warm and the other cold. He gently rubs your arms up and down while looking at you. He leans down so you're eye to eye. "Hey, it's okay. They won't hurt you. I'll introduce you when you get some clothes. Wait right here. I'm going to talk to the short red head real fast."

He turns and walks towards the woman from the jet. She looks over at you as Bucky says something to her. She nods sharply and walks off to the left towards a hall you're just now seeing. Bucky stays talking to the man from the plane and the minutes tick by. The red head reappears with a bundle of clothes in her arms. She walks over to Bucky and hands them to him. He smiles at her and turns and makes his way back to you. When he gets to you, he smiles softly saying, "Come with me. Ill show you a place you can get dressed."
You follow him and he stops outside of a door not too far from the large area. He opens the door and you see it's a bathroom. He places the clothes on the counter and steps out. "You can get dressed in there. I'll wait outside the door for you. Take your time, Y/n"

You step into the bathroom letting the door close. You drop the sheet and take the time to look at yourself for the first time in what feels like years. Your h/c is still the same but its significantly longer, trailing down your back to stop right above your butt. Your blue eyes are dull, you can only assume its due to the torture and lack of nutrition. Your skin is pale but unblemished. Your full lips cracked slightly from being so dehydrated.

Having looked at yourself for long enough you turn your attention the pile of clothes. You pull on the shirt that fits you loosely and then the pair of tight pants. The stretchy material hugging your legs and butt almost perfectly. You look at yourself one more time and head to the door. You open it softly and step out. Bucky has his back to you and you gently tap him on the shoulder. One arm full of the sheets you were previously wrapped in. He smiles at you and takes the sheet from you and sets it on the floor outside the bathroom. He nods his head back in the direction of the main room you were at and starts walking towards it.

As you approach the room you notice everyone is sitting on the many couches. Their conversations stopping when they see you. Bucky stops about 10 feet away from the group and starts the introductions.

"That's Natasha, shes the one that got you the clothes. The guy sitting next to her is Sam Wilson. Across from them the blonde guy is Steve or Captain America. He and Natasha were with Tony when you were rescued. Sitting opposite of him is Wanda. Next to her is Vision. They are both incredibly nice. In the single chair is Clint Barton or Hawkeye. He's got a family in hiding so he's not here much. Lastly is Bruce. He's the one that patched you up." Bucky says. As he introduces each one, they raise their hand and wave to you. You raise your hand and softly say your name. They all respond with positive phases of good to meet you or warm welcomes.

Tony walks in from the far hall and sees you. He smiles at you softly and waves, "Welcome back to the land of the living kid. Feeling any better?"

"A bit. Thank you." You say in a soft but firm voice. 

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