Part 10

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After hitting the heavy bag for an hour, you decided to take a run around the compound's grounds. As you're running you are thinking of ways to help Bucky. Nothing springs to mind so you turn and head back to the compound for a shower. Once inside you stop to grab a bottle of water on your way to your room. Nat is in the kitchen cooking up breakfast for everyone when she turns and stops you, "Hey, you excited?"

"Yeah, a little nervous too. I've never been on a date so I'm not sure how great this is gonna be." You reply while twisting the cap off the bottle.

Nat puts the spatula down and walks over to you. "You'll be fine. Just be yourself and let the conversation flow."

You take a drink of water and nod your head, "I know, but what if the conversation turns awkward and he sees how broken and damaged I really am?"

"You're not broken or damaged. You've been through a lot but you've come so far. You've grown exponentially since we rescued you. Just be the girl you know yourself to be. Not what those fuckwads at Hydra tried to beat you into." Nat says rubbing her hands up and down your arms.

"Thanks Nat." You say giving her a small smile.

Walking back to your room you check the time and see that you have four hours until you need to be ready for Bucky to pick you up. You say to hell with it and crawl into bed asking F.R.I.D.A.Y. to wake you up in two hours. The A.I, confirms and you drift off to sleep.

You come to the sound of F.R.I.D.A.Y. waking you up. You jump out of bed and hit the shower, scrubbing and shaving every inch of your body. You get out of the shower and wrap yourself in a fluffy black towel and get started on your hair and make-up. Going for subtle you do bare minimum for eyeshadow and a nude lip. You dry your hair and gently curl it so it falls in soft waves down your back. Looking at the time you have fifteen minutes to finish getting ready. Taking one last look in the mirror you go to your closet and shimmy into the dress and heals.

At 5:59pm there is a knock on your bedroom door. You walk over and open it slowly. Bucky standing there makes your breath hitch in your throat. He's dressed in a black button up shirt and black slacks. His shoes shined to perfection and his sleeves rolled back over his forearms adding to the overall "Sex on legs" look he's got going on. You get to his face and you stop breathing all together. His once stubbled face now clean shaven. His shoulder length hair now cut into a modern short style. Making you want to run your fingers through his hair. Finally getting your brain to function you blush and whisper a soft hello.

"Doll, you're breathtaking." He says barely above a whisper. The blush that was fading comes crawling back up with a fierceness and you duck your head slightly.

"Thank you. You look amazing too." You say finally finding your voice.

"Here I got you these." He says handing you a bouquet of yellow and red roses. The yellow fading into a beautiful scarlet on the ends of the petals.

You take the roses and walk back into your room, "Let me put them in some water and I'll be ready to go."

Bucky steps into your room and waits for you to come out of the bathroom. Once you emerge you smooth your dress into place and look at him, "You ready?" He asks.

You nod yes and go to grab the door, but he beats you too it. Opening it for you, you smile softly at him with a small giggle escaping your lips. His return smile stops your breath again and your brain has to take a moment buffer.

Once outside your room, Bucky offers you his arm. You slip your hand under to rest on his forearm, blushing at the sweet gesture. He takes you to the elevator and instead of going down he presses the button for the twentieth floor. Looking at him confused he smiles and says, "Just wait."

You nod at him and wait as the elevator takes you up. Once the elevator dings signaling that you are at your floor, your breath catches in your throat at the sight in front of you. Someone has decorated the 20th floor balcony with fair lights and a table for two was adorned with a white table cloth and a small bouquet of red and white roses. Bucky walks you over to the table and pulls your chair out for you. You sit and he easily scoots you in.

As he makes his way to his seat a lower level agent comes strolling out with a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. He sets the glasses down and pours what looks to be a beautiful red. You take your glass and Bucky takes his. The agent retreating back through the doors.

"I wanted to do something special so I asked Tony if we could borrow this balcony for the evening." Bucky says looking at you over the small vase of flowers.

You smile brightly at him and say with a slight husk to your voice, "I love it. You took into consideration both our dislike to being in public. Thank you!"

Bucky lets out a small laugh as a blush creeps up his neck, to flush his face. "I wanted you to be comfortable."

"Mission accomplished, Sarge." You blush back at him.

Dinner progresses and you both fall into easy conversation. As desert is served you can't help but look at Bucky and smile inward to yourself at how thoughtful and sweet this man was. Bucky takes a moment to watch you taking a small bite of your New York Cheesecake and he asks, "Doll, will you dance with me?"

You set your fork down and nod sheepishly at him. He stands and offers you his hand, you take it and he pulls you smoothly into his arms and starts a slow dance around the balcony. Music coming out of nowhere you blush as Bucky lets out a laugh. The laughter making your heart swell. As you continue to dance you feel yourself melting into him more and more until your head is on his chest and his hands on your waist holding you tight to him.

"This was great. Thank you Bucky." You say looking up at him.

He smiles down at you, "Sure thing Doll."

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