Part 2

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Steve and Natasha are talking quietly about the mission when they hear a small sound come from the girl Tony rescued. Steve turns and looks at her with sorrow and sympathy. They are nearing the tower so he pulls out his phone and makes a call to Bucky.

"Hey Buck, can you meet us in the hanger? I need your help offloading a rescue." He says.

"Sure thing pal. But why cant you handle it?" Bucky responds quizzically.

"I took a hit to my ribs. I cant carry her steady. She seems to have some sort of injury that hurts her when moved too much. Can you help?" Steve asks

"Of course man. Are you gonna make it?" Bucky asks, concern easily heard in his voice.

"Yeah, just some bruised ribs." Steve replies.

"Okay pal. See you soon." Bucky says hanging up the phone.

Steve turns to Tasha with a small smile. She returns the smile before walking over to the mystery girl, gently moving a strand of dirty hair out of her face.

"Poor thing. Hopefully Banner can get to the bottom of whats causing her so much pain." She says looking back at Steve.

Steve nods, grabbing onto the support beam above him as the jet lands. The door opens and Bucky comes walking onto the jet. He gives Steve a gentle hug, minding the battered super soldiers ribs. Then he turns and sees the new rescue. He slowly walks over and looks down at her sleeping form. A frown gracing his features. He bends over and as gently as he can, picks her up. A soft cry leaves her mouth at the movement and Bucky stiffens momentarily. He slowly turns and heads into the tower, making a bee line for the elevator. Natasha and Steve join him hitting the button for Banner's floor.

They reach banner's lab and walk in. Banner turns around and stands as he sees the rescue. He directs Bucky to lay her on the table. Running a scan he gets a sense of her injuries.

"She's got a cracked pelvis, two broken ribs and a fracture to her left arm. This girl has been tortured." Bruce says with a deep frown on his face. Bucky inhales sharply and turns, leaving the lab.

His time at hydra coming back full force despite all the work he did with the Wakanda people and his therapist. He makes his way to the gym and strips off his shirt, walking to the reinforced punching bag. He starts to hit it, gradually harder and harder. The bags' chains groaning in protest as the beating its taking gets worse. Memory after memory of his torture coming back. His mind going down the path of wondering what it is she endured and if she'll be okay. Steve walks in and sees the state of his best friend. He sighs softly before walking over to him.

"Hey, you okay?" He asks Bucky.

"No. hearing her injuries brought up memories. I can't fathom what she's gone through. But it's messing with me Pal." Bucky says breathing hard from his work out.

Steve nods slightly, patting Bucky on the back. "You wanna talk?"

"No. I'm gonna go grab a shower and see if that helps." Bucky replies. Walking away.

It's been three days since the girl was brought back to the tower. Bucky stops by her room daily to ask Banner how things are. Today he got the news that her injuries were completely healed and she should be waking up soon. Buck walks over to the bed she's on and looks down at her. Her face and hair were washed by Nat and he could clearly see her face now. She was beautiful, that he could admit. Suddenly her eyes snap open and he sees her eyes for the first time. 

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