Part 7

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Months later you're on the Quinjet and headed to your first recon mission. Bucky sat beside Steve talking softly. You make out your name and you strain to hear more.

"Steve are we sure she's ready? She's just coming out of her shell. If this goes badly it could wipe all the work everyone's done with her. She could revert back to the broken girl Tony brought home." Bucky whispered softly.

Steve looked up to you and gave you a small smile and a nod of acknowledgment before turning back to Bucky, "I think she's as ready as she'll ever get given her life circumstances."

"Alright pal." Bucky says.

You stand just as FRIDAY comes over the coms and states your arrival to the Hydra Base. The suit Tony made for you fitting your much fuller frame like a glove. You felt stronger and healthier having lived with the Avengers for months now. Almost a year. It went so quick. You were thankful. However, Bucky's words hit you with a little it of doubt. You weren't sure you were ready for a mission so soon. You approached the back of the Jet where Tony was suited up. He sees you and recognizes your distress.

"Kid, you okay?" He asks.

"Are you sure I'm ready for this? What if all this does is causes me to revert and I'm useless? I don't want anyone getting hurt because of me." You whisper stepping into Tony. His metal suit cold under your arms as you give him a small hug. He hugs you back, his mask lifting up he places a small kiss to your head. "If you weren't ready we wouldn't have brought you."

You nod curtly and step back. You roll your neck and shoulders, shaking off the doubt and fear. You focus on your roll, you are to follow Nat and Clint and help them secure the communications room. You're to man the door and plasma blast anyone that comes at you. You could do this.

The jet lands and you all dismount the aircraft. Bucky catches you by the elbow and says, "Be careful doll. We'll see you in a bit."

You smile up at him, the nickname making your stomach do little backflips and summersaults. In the last month you and Bucky have gotten closer. Crossing from friends to something a little more flirty. He grins at you and your knees melt a little. You shake your head at him and gently shove him towards Steve saying, "Get going you oaf. Ill see you."

You follow Nat closely. The entrance point of the building your walking up to has two guards, Nat looks at you and nods to you. You take that a sign and you unleash a bit of your power. You send a small blast of energy at the two guards and they hit the ground. Clint rushes and gets to the door first he holds it open for you and Nat. You all three enter the building and follow the map you committed to memory, as you approach the communications room you hear gun fire in your ear piece. The fight is on and you and the others start to hurry.

As Clint and Nat get to work on making copies of the files before destroying them you hear a grunt in your ear. Then you hear Steve yell out Bucky's name. You start to panic a bit and wonder what's going on. Nat turns to you and nods letting you know they have everything. You go to retreat and some Hydra agents come around the conner. A gun goes off and you feel a sharp pain in your left thigh. Realizing that you took a bullet you back Nat and Clint back into the room. You throw up an energy shield to stop the bullets from coming at you any more.

"We're pinned down." You say, a thin layer of panic in your voice.

"Not for long. Tony and Sam are bringing up the rear. They'll be here in a moment.

You nod briefly and grab a strip of cloth from the ground. You wrap it around your thigh and tie it tight. The fire fight stops and Tony appears in the hall and motions for you to come. You three make your way down the hall. The pain in your leg getting worse. You can't heal it until the bullet is removed. You reach your rendezvous point and see Steve carrying an unconscious Bucky. Your chest tightens and you feel tears threatening to fall. You limp onto the jet just as Steve sets Bucky on a cot. You hobble over and start to assess his wounds. You find a knife wound to his right shoulder and gunshot wound in his left thigh. You focus on the gunshot wound and feel for the bullet. Feeling it's energy you pull it out of his leg and start to heal him. Once that one is taken care of you go to his chest. You rip the vest off and see it welling with blood in time with his heart beat... an arterial hit. You swear under your breath as a wave of dizziness hits you. You cant heal him and yourself in time. You focus on his chest wound and start to heal it. Just as you get it healed part way and the bleeding slows, another wave of dizziness hits you and your stomach flips. You look up at Steve who looks worried and you throw your last bit of concentration into Bucky. The effort working to finish healing him but causing you to pass out. Your body hits the floor and your eyes close as you see Bucky shoot upright. 

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