17 - home

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fourth's pov

once it was 8pm I went downstairs. "hey phat I'm leaving now." I said, taking my jacket and putting it on. "okay, be careful and call me if you need anything." he said and I smiled. "I will. bye, see you tomorrow." "see you."


when I got to gemini's house, I knocked on the door and his dad opened it. he looked at me and smiled, greeting me before letting me in. "gemini, your friend is here!" his dad yelled since gemini was apparently upstairs in his room.

I waited a few seconds before I saw him coming down the stairs. he looked at me and smiled. "hey, come on let's go upstairs." he said immediately and I went with him, bowing my head to his dad.

we went to his room and he closed the door, almost immediately wrapping his arms around me and hugging me. "I missed you so much." he said and I smiled. "I missed you too." I said, hugging him back. he littered my neck with little kisses, smiling and mumbling something.

he let go of me and looked at me. I looked back at him and he leaned in and kissed me, I kissed him back but quickly pulled away. he seemed confused but I just pulled him over to the bed and I plopped down on it, gemini laying down beside me.

I rolled on my side and looked at him. I smiled a bit and pushed him a bit so I was laying on his chest. he looked at me and chuckled. "what are you doing?" he asked me. "I'm hugging you, of course." I replied, still smiling.

he wrapped his arms around my waist and I leaned forward a bit to kiss him.

everytime our lips touched I felt like a million butterflies were dancing around in my stomach. I felt like I was always so red and flustered. his lips were so nice. they always tasted a bit like those lays chips. which, I knew he loved. whenever I came over he had a few packs of chips in his cupboards and the pantry in the kitchen.

I wasn't complaining about the taste of his lips though. I loved the chips too. they were probably one of the few salty snacks I'd eat. but it was a bit weird that he usually tasted like lays. when he didn't, he tasted like green apples.

and let me tell you, I love green apples. I always ate them whenever I was a tad bit hungry.

I pulled away and rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes. "are you tired?" he asked me and I shook my head. "no, I just like this." I said.

everytime we hugged or cuddled I really felt so safe. safer than I ever have with anyone else. he just made me feel like I was worth something. sure, I still did things I wasn't supposed to be doing but I felt loved.


we stayed like that for maybe half an hour until I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and saw that phat was calling me. I looked at it and I was a bit confused, so I answered it.

"hey, what's up?" I asked and gemini looked at me. "nothing, I just wanted to ask you if you got there cause you didn't call me." he said and I shook my head a bit. "you really do want me to forgive you huh? but I'm here don't worry." I said and I could hear a chuckle from his side. "yeah I guess. and I'm not worrying I'm just doing what a normal older brother would do." he said and I scoffed. "you're only like a few months older." I said. "a few months are a few months. I'm still older." "yeah, okay I don't care. I have to go now." I said and he snickered. "okay okay, go make out with your boyfriend or something." he said and I just mimicked him and hung up.

gemini stared at me and he laughed a bit. "who was it?" he asked. "it was phat. he's so weird lately. he's been trying so hard to make me forgive him." I said and gemini looked at the ceiling. "why don't you forgive him then? I know he was a complete asshole but, people change right?" he said and I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, gem. i don't know if I can trust him yet. he changed so fast it doesn't even seem like he actually means all of this." I said and gemini nodded. "I get your point. if you want to forgive him, do it. if not, nobody is forcing you to." he said and I just rested my head on his chest again. "thank you." I said and he leaned down and kissed my forehead.


the next morning when I woke up, I saw that gemini was still sleeping so I got up, I went and brushed my teeth then I went downstairs. I saw his parents there. "good morning, fourth." said his mom. "good morning, anne." I said and she smiled. "are you hungry? I made some breakfast." she asked and I shook my head. "no I'm not hungry, thank you though." I said and she smiled. "of course."

we talked for a bit about school and stuff and then I felt an arm wrap around my torso from the side. I turned my head and saw gemini, who was probably half asleep. "good morning." I said and he just buried his face in the crook of my neck mumbling a little "good morning" back. I smiled and his mom looked at us and then she looked at her husband, smiling.

he pulled away from me and looked at his mom. "I made breakfast if you're hungry." she said and he smiled. "let me go brush my teeth." he said and went to the bathroom. then after a few minutes he came back downstairs, in different clothes.

I looked at him and smiled as he sat down on the table and started eating breakfast with his mom. his dad was getting ready for work, maybe he already ate.

I took my phone out and I saw that phat texted me to ask me when I was coming home. I texted him back and said in maybe less than an hour.


I got changed in a new pair of clothes I had packed and I just brushed my hair down a bit with my fingers. then I left gemini's room and I went downstairs again.

"I have to go home, gem." I said he looked at me. "oh, okay. I'll take you." he said and I nodded.

I hugged his mom and said bye to her. we left his house and got in his car. he started it and drove me to m y neighbors house since it would be risky to take me to my house.

I kissed him on the cheek and said bye before getting out of his car and walking to my house. it was 8:49 when I got there and I just walked in through the front door. I looked around the house and surprisingly, nobody was downstairs. so I went up to my room, I put all my stuff away and I sat down on my bed.


yayy, chapter 17. next chapter might be a different kind of chapter sooo. hope u liked it

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