🤍 IX. L i b r a r y 🖤

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"Aw.. I got to make the announcements! Pause it I'll be right back" he pouts before walking out the door, after waiting about 3 minutes he comes back.

"Alright!" He smiles while sitting next to me. I unpause it and we continue watching. We finish it at about 6pm. "Hey wanna go explore! I also unlocked the next floor!" He smiles at me.

"Sure." I say slightly smiling but hide it quickly.

"Alright let's go!!" He grins while grabbing my hand and dragging me to the second floor, on the way we get a few weird glances but ignore them. We head to a room that looks like a library togami and toko were also there.

"Well well, if it isn't miss traitor" togami says, venom lacing his voice while he glares at me. I just shrug and look for some manga.

"Y-yeah!" Toko says obviously trying to impress her 'master' but fails miserably.

"No one said you can speak!! Now shoo!!" He says swatting her away she just nods and runs away.

"Why not just show your true intentions y/n?" He says smirking and adjusting his glasses.

"I just want to read manga...." I mumbled annoyed, he just scoffs and walks away.

"Jeez, Moneybags over there is hilarious!!" Monokuma laughs while pointing to the direction where togami walked off to. I let out a slight chuckle before going back to finding a manga. When I finally found one I sat down on a chair with monokuma next to me, I leaned on his shoulder and started reading. After awhile I finish and look up at monokuma only to realize he's asleep. I smile at him and lean on his shoulder, eventually drifting into a pleasant slumber aswell.

༶•┈┈[ ]┈♛ ♛┈[ ]┈┈•༶

I woke up when the morning announcements played. I stretched and sat up, only to realize I was back in my dorm. I smile at the fact that he cared enough to bring me back here.

"Monokuma." I say while looking at the monitor. Soon after the monochrome boy shows up with a confused look.

"What's up?" He questions while tilting his head.

"Thank you.." I mumbled while hugging him, he tenses up before relaxing and hugging back.

"No problem.." he whispers while patting my head softly.


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