"Things he likes to do alone with you„

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April 18, 2023 – words 2085

     ~ Thomas knows that you've never had a soft sport for running like he has, but he still likes to do what he loves the most with the person he loves the most. Even if it's just you two running in PE. He still loves you trying to be faster than him every time. Sometimes he lets you win, thinking that you're a better and faster runner than him. He also knows how outta breath you can get while he breaths normally. For that, he doesn't make you run with him for a long distance. Which your are very, very grateful for. It's cute to him how the next day you will complain how sore you, and tell him all about it.
     ~He also likes doing homework with you. It seems odd, but he likes how focused you can look while doing it. Also he likes how frustrated you can get when you can't figure out a math problem, or when you can find the answer to a question in your notes. Sometimes you do homework for each other depending on if you know it, or not. When he tries to explain something to you, it's funny to him how you get confused easily. Also if you speak Spanish and still learning English, he likes how you pronounce your words with your accent, and try to make sentences out of what you know. He laughs every time you don't say something right or you have a horrible pronunciation, which makes you mad as you really are trying. He later helps you, but never let's it go always still making fun of you for it.

     ~Johnny is all about cuddles, and no one can tell me otherwise. When your dad lets him stay the night sometimes, he won't let you go in the mornings. He's the most clingy when he wakes up in the morning for some reason, or late at night. Every time you try to get up he will just hold you closer. Sometimes he'll lay straight on top of you so you won't try to get up. Not just cuddling, but he likes being clingy with you around the boys as you don't like showing it in public. So he likes how nervous you get in front of the cross country team while he's being clingy. Overall his favorite thing to do with you is sleeping in, or staying up late just to cuddle with you.
~Taking you out to eat makes him feel good about himself, just knowing that your eating good. If he's taking you out to eat, Johnny will make you eat until you throw up, still wanting you to eat afterwards. I guess you could say he's strict on you eating. Everyday he'll ask you if you've eaten and what you ate. If you didn't eat, he makes you go to his house, or he takes you out. Every time he see that you lose a little weight, or your clothes start to fit loose one you. Be prepared to eat a meal containing breakfast, lunch, and dinner all in one. You really don't know why he cares about this much. He'd rather you workout and eat healthy to lose weight instead of starving yourself. If he found out you were starving yourself he would be so pissed at you. He wouldn't talk to you forever, but he couldn't resist the one he loves the most. He just likes seeing you eat knowing your healthy, and not about to faint every 20 minutes.

~Danny would simply just like talking to you. He love when you run your mouth about anything and everything. Though he doesn't talk as much as you do, he listens very well. He loves the way you express your emotions when you speak, and your voice when you speak. He loves your voice more than anything. He could fall asleep to you ranting about someone you dislike, not that it's boring but because your voice is soothing to him. Deep conversation are something he also really likes to have with you. Just knowing that you've probably told no one these things before makes him know that you're comfortable with him, and that you have trust into him. Not that he ever doubted that you have trust in him, but because you can tell him things without being ashamed of what you say to him.
~Having you in his embrace is just the best feeling to him. The way you smell and feel against his chest while in his arms makes him feel comfortable. Every time he gets the chance to he brings you into his arms in a warm hug. He could hug you all day every day. Yet he's never hugged you in front of the team. If there is a hug between you two, it's because you hugged him first. But right when he's alone with you, all he wants to do is hug you and never stop. It just felt right to have you in his embrace. Every time you guys cuddle you're always in his arms. Every time you two are just standing you're in his arms.

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