"Boyfriend gestures they do„

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May 11, 2023 – Words 1215

~Anywhere you two go and your legs start hurting or you get tired, he'll pick you up and carry you the rest of your destination. He knows how you feel when you get tired and he wish he had someone to carry him. But he doesn't and hates that feelings of being really tired, so he carried you which makes him more tired, but at least your getting less tired. It's just something he feels like he has to do, just like if you scrape yourself you have to put a bandage on it.
~Thomas would just simply let you fall asleep on his shoulder. If you were feeling quite tired that day, then he's there ready for you the sleep on him. He would move the least he can just for him not to disturb your sleep. As though he may also be very tired, but him knowing if he falls asleep the chances are high that you may wake up. So he tried not to fall asleep no matter how tired he is. Also no matter where you fall asleep in him at. If it's in public, at school, or just at his house on the sofa. He always encourages you to fall asleep even if your fully awake. He just wants to make sure that your sleeping well.

     ~Johnny would have his hand and your hand glued together. He loves holding your hand everywhere you go. Even if it's just you two laying in bed. His hand will soon find its way to yours. In front of the guys he'll do it, even if they tease him about it. When you two are at a family event, sports event, and especially on dates. Johnny rather sit next to you than in front of you on dates, so he can hold those lovely hands of yours.
     ~Johnny will naturally cling onto you. We all know this boy would be so clingy around his girlfriend. It doesn't matter where you two are at, he clings onto you. Even if he wasn't a clingy person, when you two were alone his body would naturally hook onto yours. Being hooked onto someone is different than holding hands, so at family events it'd be a little bit different with his clinginess. But he would definitely be clingy around people he has never, and will never meet.

~Danny loves letting you wear his clothes. He thinks you look cute in them. It doesn't matter if it's his hoodies, jackets, shirts, tank tops, or his pants. He loves when you wear all of it. There was one day you were looking through his clothes not really knowing what to wear, so you ended up giving him a fashion show with the majority of his clothes. He found it really cute, but he really didn't know what to do in the moment. So he was just there laughing at the outfits you came up with.
~Whenever you two are out in public, with friends, or with family he will always makes sure he's sitting next to you. Especially with family, he knows how intimidating it can to be in front of your partners family. So he wants you to feel more comfortable with being able to sit besides you. Around friends he makes sure to sit with you, because he knows how his friends can be. Even his brothers, they would all talk to you, giving you a hard time on how to answer with what they say. In public for obvious reasons. Some stranger could end up coming to talk to you, and Danny doesn't want to see you talking to anyone else but him.

     ~No matter how expensive an item is, or how broke he is, he always like to buy you thinks. He likes spoiling you with nice stuff. But it's upsets him each time you tell him that it's too expensive. It's makes him think that you think your not worth the expense of the item. He knows your worth way more, so him buying something that's too expensive in your eyes is nothing compared to your worth to him.
~Each time you say or show that your cold he lends you his hoodie or jacket. It all started when you were at his house in winter, so it was obviously freezing. Everyone was at the dinner table when Damacio's mom saw you trying to hide your shivering. Damacio's mom soon got mad at Damacio for not taking notice, making him get up to go to his room to find a hoodie for your warmth. Ever since then, he's always given you his hoodie or jacket if he notices your cold in any way.

~Any day you choose to wear make up, he likes taking it off for you at the end of the day. It's so relaxing to him, just taking away all the makeup you for the day, so he can see your face without makeup. Nights when your tired, he will always offer to take your makeup off.
~Each time you and David go out on a date, David always pays. If you offer to pay, or split the bill he ends up paying anyways. When he does that he knows he comes off more as a gentleman. And that's the only thing he wants to be around you. He always sees how his gentleman his dad is to his mom, and he wants to be more like that with you.

~Right before he's about to kiss you he either smiles at you while your talking, or tucks your hair behind your ear. It's kind of like a warning in a way saying "I'm going to kiss you right now". You find it really cute because he does it every single time he's about to kiss you.
~If your around his friends or in public he lets you sit on his lap. Never around family. His family isn't as close to him to where he's comfortable with you sitting on his lap around them. But one day he'll be perfectly fine with it, you two aren't that far in your relationship as of right now.

~Every place you two go, Victor always opens the door for you. When he was at a younger age, he always opened the door for his parents and his uncle. So it's kind of a habit, but he's also trying to be a gentleman when it comes to you, just like David. Also in front of your parents, he wants to set a good image of how he is as a boyfriend to you.
~His arm is always around your waist in public. Just to keep you close, to know your not wondering off somewhere where he can't find you. Victor is a good looking guy, which means at least one girl is going to try and mess with him. So he keeps you close so that won't happen as it has before. Also so other guys won't try to mess with you either.

A/n: It's been a while since I updated. So here's this reaction. This may be one of my favorite ones so far. I hope you enjoy. Don't forget to vote & comment!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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