Chapter 32: The Revealing Rematch

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Shoto: *Sees Natsuo and is shocked* "W-what y-your supposed to be dead"

Natsuo: *glaring at Shoto* "I'm pretty sure I'm alive idiot"


Natsuo: *Socks Shoto in the stomach knocking him out* "No one can copy me and that's a fact"

Natsuo puts Shoto over his shoulder as Izuku went to pick up Fuyumi when the trio heard a certain hothead's yell.


The trio immediately looked in the direction of the yell and saw the attack that Endevour launched at them.

Natsuo: "ZUMI!!"

Izumi: "Got it, JUDGEMENT CUT"

The attack immediately dispersed as Endevour rushed towards the trio.

Natsuo: "Zumi take Shoto I'll have to kick this piece of sh!t's @ss again." *Hands over Shoto to Izumi*

Izumi: *Smirks* "Got it, give him he!!" *Creates another portal as she and Izuku walk through*

Izumi: "Keep the fight.

Natsuo: *Smirks* "Gladly"


Natsuo: *Sighs* "Geez and here I thought that might have a speck of humanity in you but now you're calling the kid not even your son" *Dashes at Endeavor and punches him in the stomach into the air before jumping up and slamming him into the ground*

Present Mic: *Nervously chuckles* "Uhh shouldn't we stop them" *Hears a tearing noise from behind him*

Izumi: *Walking through a portal she made* "Keep the fight going"

Present Mic: "Huh, why"

Izumi: "Easy that stupid pile of flaming trash won't listen to any form of reason and any attempt and stopping from other heroes will lead to unnecessary causalities and Natsuo has it handled."

Endevour: *Gets ups slightly injured* "Is that really all you have because your too weak"

Natsuo: "Then why don't you come at me, and you'll see that I'm more than meets the eye"

Endevour: *Smirks* "Gladly" *Fire starts to condense around his fingertips* "FLASHFIRE FIST: HELL SPIDER" *Fires five beams of condensed fire*

Natsuo: "Sh!t" *Quickly dodges but get hit by two of the beams leaving heavily burned pieces of skin* "That hurts like a b!tch" *Attempts to rush at Endeavor before he suddenly falls to one knee* "Damn it I used up everything already"

Endeavor: "HAHAHA YES, NOW DIE" *Fire begins to engulf his fist* "JET BURN"

Izumi: *Had already made a portal to the arena* "NATSUO" *Gets there right as the attack hits Natsuo leaving nothing but a torrent of flames*


Izumi: *Glares at Endeavor with all her bloodlust* "I'LL F*CKING KILL YOU" *Pulls out a second katana and is about rush at Endeavor*

Right before Izumi rushed at Endeavor, she suddenly saw that torrent of flames move oddly as they started to whirl around as a big gust of wind erupted revealing a partially harmed Natsuo who was standing like nothing had happened to him.

Izumi: *Falls to her knees shocked with tears in her eyes* "N-Nat"

Natsuo: *Looks back at Izumi and smiles* "Don't cry my lady it doesn't suit you at all, now let me finish this first." *Cracks his knuckles* "You think that you'll break me but you're gonna find in time" *Suddenly disappears before reappearing infront of Endeavor* "I'M NOT SOMEONE YOU WANT TO MESS WITH" *Kicks Endeavors shin completely shattering the bone*

Endeavors: *Grits his teeth in pain as he punches Natsuo away from him as he takes flight using his fire* "WHY WON'T YOU DIE ALREADY" *Sends multiple balls of fire at Natsuo*

Weirdly enough instead of Natsuo attempting to evade the attacks he simply took all the attacks head on but when the smoke dissipated it revealed Natsuo standing there but his white hair suddenly became a light yellow as a yellow aura was emanating from him.

Natsuo: *Glares at Endeavor* "You think that puny attack will work" *Disappears and reappears behind Endeavor, kicking him into the ground* "THIS IS A REAL ATTACK, HADES HAVOC" *Lands on Endeavor barraging him with lots of punches as the aura coating him turned blue before he launched a final punch which generated air pressure similar to the punch All Might used against the slime villain. *

In the end Endeavor planted deep into the ground, so much so that even when Cementoss altered the stadium to help get him out there were still a lot of trouble and Natsuo had gone unconscious on his feet after delivering the last punch on his so called "Father" but the most shocking thing was that the entirety of those who watched the fight had seen the number 2 hero get beaten by a supposedly quirkless kid after almost killing him.

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