Chapter 1: The White Haired Siblings

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At a yakuza base in Musutafu Japan in the night the sound of gunfire and metal clanking against each other can be heard as a pair of 6 year old twins Izumi and Izuku Midoriya, the heirs to the Midoriya yakuza groups were training against each other with their quirks, Izumi's quirk was called Blade Bandit which allowed the user to be able to store any type of bladed weapon in a pocket dimension and allowed the user to summon unlimited copies of the weapon at will as well as giving the user the ability to telekinetically control these weapons at will with the only drawback being the fact that they have to train with and get access to the weapons and understand the workings of the weapons.

Izumi: *Has two dulled kunai in her hand's blocking the rubber bullets* "Is that all you got brother because this is getting too easy" *Rushes at Izuku and tries to attack him*

Izuku: *Uses the barrel of his pistol to block the Kunai's* "If you think that this is easy then I should probably start trying then sis." *Kicks Izumi away from him and then a case appears in front of him, and he pulls out an MP5*

Izuku's quirk is called Gun Locker which allows the user to store any type of firearm or ammunition and allows them to summon an infinite copy of them similar to blade bandit, but the difference is that the user does not gain the telekinetic control over the weapons.

Izumi: *Quickly recovers and dodges a barrage of rubber bullets being shot at her* "HEY I THOUGHT WE SAID NO AUTOMATIC WEAPONS"

Izuku: *Quickly reloads and aims at Izumi* "Well you were the one who said this was too easy" *Is about to start firing again but then here the door behind him open*

When the twins looked at the door, they say their parents along with a brother and sister pair who both had white hair and were around their age and had some bruises and light burns on their bodies.

Hisashi: *Sees the scene and sighs* "I told you two to not train so much"

Izuku: *Stores away his gun* "Sorry about that Pops, we kinda got too into training"

Izumi: *Stores away her Kunai* "Yeah sorry about that dad, but are you going to explain why those two are here" *Gestures to the two*

Inko: "Well Izumi these two are the ex-children of Endevour and are now going to be living with you as well as being trained to be your bodyguards."

Hisashi: "Alright, we will leave you two to get to know these two."

Inko and Hisashi left the twins with the white hair siblings.

Izuku: "So since you guys are going to protect us, can we get your name please."

Fuyumi: "W-well m-my name is F-fuyumi and t-this is my b-brother N-Natsuo."

Natsuo: "I-it's nice to meet you t-two."

Izumi: "Well if we are going to be with each other basically everyday then we should get to know each other so what your quirks."

Fuyumi: "W-well my quirk just makes me able to create ice but if I overuse it then I start to get frostbite."

Izuku: "That's a pretty cool quirk." *Looks at Natsuo* "So what's your quirk Natsuo"

Natsuo: "W-well I'm Q-quirkless" *Immediately blocks thinking he's going to get hit but feels an arm wrap around him*

Izumi: *Has her arm around Natsuo* "Well then we just got to train you to fight, there isn't any problem with you not having a quirk."

Fuyumi: "U-um if you don't mine me asking then what are your quirks."

Izumi: "Well my quirk allows me to store bladed weapons and then I can summon them and control them." *Summons a dulled kunai and floats it in the air before storing it again*

Izuku: "My quirk is similar but mine works with firearms, and I can't control them like Izumi can, but I still like it." *Summons a Magnum .44 and then stores it*

Natsuo: "You guys are so lucky to have cool quirks."

Izuku: "Hey don't count yourself out, just because others might have flashy quirks doesn't mean they extremely powerful or have any control over you."

Natsuo: *Hugs Izuku* "Thank you Izuku I needed hear that"

Izumi: "Now something I want to ask you two is how did you get those injuries."

Natsuo: "Well as you know we are Endevour's kids in which we were triplets, and we had an older brother who died."

Fuyumi: "And due to him being so obsessed with trying to be the number 1 hero, he tried making the "perfect" child who would become the number 1 hero if he couldn't."

Izuku: *Sighs and facepalms* "Great, now the number 2 hero of Japan is a power hunger idiot."

Natsuo: *Slightly shaking from anger* "Not only that he abused our mom so much that she thought our youngest (Younger by about 5 minutes) brother was him and caused her to throw boiling water on him scarring his face and sending her to a psych ward."

Izumi: *Hugs Natsuo and pats his head* "I'm sorry you guys had to deal with that b@stard but where is your younger brother."

Fuyumi: *Starts to create ice out of frustration* "From what we can guess Endevour will probably train him every day without rest, and he'll probably turn him into an empty shell of a human being just for his sick ambitions."

Izuku: "I think we should all head to bed and then we can talk about this more in the morning."

When Izumi and Izuku took the ex-Todoroki sibling to their room they went to their beds and were about to go to sleep they both realized that the two were sleeping on the floor.

Izumi: "What are you guys doing, you can't sleep on the floor or else you'll catch a cold."Fuyumi: "Well isn't this where we're supposed to sleep since we are just your bodyguards

Izuku: *Picks up Fuyumi Bridal style* "You two may be our bodyguards but that doesn't you two aren't human so don't think of yourselves like that" *Puts Fuyumi in his bed and cuddles her while Izumi did the same with Natsuo. *

Natsuo and Fuyumi: *Thought* "Maybe we will finally be able to be happy while we are here and repair our broken family." (Obviously without Endevour)

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