Chapter 4

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Y/n pov

I decided to cook up some tacos, while I was getting ready to cook Stuart walks in with Sydney in his arms.

"Hey love, you want some help?"

"No thanks Stuart, I can get it" I reassured.

"Alright, but if you need help don't hesitate to ask"

"I'll keep that in mind"

"So whatcha making?"


"Yes, I missed your tacos"

"You know there are restaurants that has tacos right?"

"Yeah I know, but your tacos are the best love"

"Awww, thanks"

Before we could say anything else, we heard someone walk in. I turned to see Paula, I know we just met but I don't like her, I have a feeling that she isn't a good person.

"Stuart, what are you doing in here alone with her?"

"Just talking"

"You know I don't like the idea of you alone with a girl"

"Y/n is just a friend Paula, we haven't seen each other in a long time so I wanna catch up with her"

"I still don't like it and I don't like her" Paula glared.

"Paula, if you are not gonna say anything nice just go away" Stuart commanded.

She looked really angry, after she gave me a glare, she walked out of the kitchen.

"Love, I'm real sorry about her" Stuart frowned.

"It's fine don't worry, but why was she making such a big deal about us being alone?"

"I have no idea, but she'll get over it"

"I just feel bad that I'm making you two fight" I frowned.

"Nah, she always gives me a hard time"

"But anyway, we never got a chance to finish our talk from earlier"

"Oh yeah, well one night her and I got really drunk and we did it, then not long after that she got pregnant with Sydney, but she never wanted children"

"So she doesn't help you with her?"

"Nope, we made a deal that if we kept her, I would take care of her and she wouldn't do anything"

I felt so angry that Paula was taking advantage of Stuart and not being a good mom to Sydney.

"Oh Stuart, I'm really sorry" I say with a sympathy look.

"It's not your fault love, but I love Sydney and I don't want her to be taken from me"

"That's understandable, I would love to help you with her" I smiled softly.

"You mean it?" Stuart asks in surprise.

"Yes" I nodded.

"Thanks love, that means alot"

"It's what friends are for"

I couldn't help but think that Stuart's smile was so cute, bit I shook off that thought and got back to cooking.


Narrator pov

After a while, Y/n finished making dinner and served all the tacos to everyone.


Y/n pov

"I hope you all enjoy"

"Thanks Y/n, these look delicious" Noodle comment.

When everyone took a bite, all their eyes widen.

"Is...something wrong?"

"These...are...DELICIOUS!" Everyone except Paula exclaimed with big smiles.

"Omg, love your cooking is still the best" Stuart smiled big.

"You were right about her cooking 2D" says Murdoc.

"I'm so glad you all like them"

"What do you think Paula?" Stuart asks.

"I had better tacos"

I felt a little hurt at her words, but I tried to not show the hurt on my face.

"Paula, that wasn't polite" Stuart glared.

"I-its okay Stuart" I reassured.

Before I could make me a plate, Sydney started crying.

"Stuart, get her to shut up" Paula complained.

"I think she's hungry"

"Here, I'll feed her" I offered.

"No, you stay out of this" Paula commanded.

"I don't have to" I glared.

I grabbed a bottle and after warming the milk, I walked over to Sydney who was in her bassinet, I gently held her in my arms and started feeding her.

"Love, you don't have to do that"

"It's okay, I don't mind and besides she'll continue crying if she doesn't eat" I chuckled.

"That true" Noodle nodded.

"Thanks you again love, I appreciate your help"

I smiled at him.

When Sydney got done, everyone got done eating and thanked me for the tacos, then walked out of the kitchen.

"Give me my daughter" Paula commanded.

"But I need to burp her"

When she grabbed Sydney, she started crying like crazy.

"What going on here?" Stuart asks while looking at us in confusion.

"I asked her to give me Sydney and she wouldn't, so I just took her out of my arms" Paula glared.

Stuart took Sydney and she calmed down.

"I was getting ready to burp her when she did that" I explained.

"Paula, why are you being rude to Y/n she's just trying to help me with Sydney"

"Because she's not her mother I am, and seeing my boyfriend and daughter with another girl angers me"

"Paula, you don't even help me with our daughter so it doesn't make any sense of that your getting jealous of

I felt horrible that I was causing Stuart and Paula to fight, while they were not paying attention I walked out of the kitchen and even though I was gonna spend the night here tonight, I decided to head home because I couldn't take it anymore.

When I opened the door, I heard Stuart call out to me but I just shut the door behind me and ran home.

Being Sydney Pot's mom 2dxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now