But I Love You - Part 1: The Kiss

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The day had ended well for Detective Jane Rizzoli and Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Maura Isles when the former's ne'er-do-well younger brother Tommy had been cleared of all charges in the bank robbery turned homicide, and the pair wanted nothing more than to go home and celebrate. So the evening found Jane and Maura relaxing in the detective's apartment; the honey blonde ME had even brought the perfect nightcap, courtesy of the youngest Rizzoli.

"It's a 1994 Chateau de Gordes", Maura purred.

"Again?", mocked an unimpressed Jane. "I'm so sick of that!".

"It's sheer perfection! I've only had it once", Maura exclaimed, chuckling as she proceeded to uncork the wine bottle and pour its contents into two waiting glasses on the counter.

As Maura poured, Jane confessed to her that, although clearly opposites, she didn't want to stand in the way of any budding romance between her best friend and her brother. As she finished with the wine, Maura took a deep breath and faced Jane.

"Look", she began, hazel eyes locking onto deep brown ones. "I like Tommy, a lot. But I LOVE YOU, and I hate it when you hate me so I don't want to do anything to compromise our friendship".

"Good cuz I ... hate it when I have to... hate you", stammered Jane, garnering another chuckle from her BFF.

Their elation was short lived however when first Jane then Maura realized, after their initial sips, that the $625 dollar bottle of '94 Chateau was more akin to rancid vinegar and old garlic than fine wine.

Disposing of the repulsive beverage, Jane plucked a chilled Blue Moon from her fridge and handed Maura a glass of her favorite Bordeaux, which she always had on hand for her. Satisfied, both women headed to the couch, drinks in hand, to watch a little TV, relax, and enjoy each other's company.

Flipping through the channels, they stumbled upon Thelma and Louise and settled in to watch the movie, making small talk and replenishing their drinks during commercials. Somewhere around Jane's third beer and Maura's second glass of red wine, Jane looked over at her best friend.

"I don't know if I told you earlier Maur, but ... thank you for everything you did to prove Tommy's innocence. And ...", Jane swallowed, averting her gaze, " I ... I could never hate you. Not really. You mean too much to me".

"Do I, Jane?". Maura whispered and inched closer to the detective until their shoulders brushed against each other. They gazed into each other's eyes, hazel ones traveling down, taking in the brunette's softly parted lips; neither said a word, not wanting to break the spell. Emboldened by her liquid libation, Maura leaned in and placed a soft, tentative kiss on Jane's lips. Jane's eyes widened in surprise but the detective didn't pull away. Instead, she wrapped her arms around Maura, yearning for more intimacy as she cocooned the doctor.

Pulling Maura even closer to her, Jane deepened the kiss, her tongue seeking and finding entrance into Maura's wet, willing mouth. Maura's breath hitched as she returned the favor with equal fervor, savoring the taste of the beer on Jane's fervent, questing lips. Her hands seemed to have a life of their own as she reached behind and tangled them in dark, curly long locks, whimpering slightly as Jane continued her delicious assault on her lips.

Jane cupped Maura's face gently as their kisses grew more heated, more insistent, more demanding. Her teeth grazed perfect alabaster skin as they traced a scorching path from Maura's full lips down to the cute cleft in her chin, before settling on the delicate column of her neck, teasing, nibbling all the while, driving Maura completely insane.

"God Jane", Maura trembled, "please, please ... d... don't stop ... " pleaded the ME, eyes shut, her breathing quick and shallow.

Hearing Maura's desperate pleas felt like ice water to her face, snapping Jane harshly back to reality. Pushing Maura away, Jane swiped at her lips with the back of her palm and hurriedly stood up, grabbing onto the arm of her couch to steady herself at the sudden head rush.

"Oh God! I'm so sorry Maur!", exclaimed a horrified Jane. "I ... I ... I better go", blurted the flustered detective, eyes avoiding Maura's, grabbing her jacket and keys and making a beeline for the door.

"Jane, wait! Please! Don't go!".

But Jane, oblivious to Maura's cries and still dazed, sped out, door slamming shut behind her, leaving a dejected Maura alone in her apartment.

"This is your apartment", Maura tearfully whispered to a suddenly empty living room. Eyes filling quickly with hot, angry tears she grabbed her things, called the car service her family had on standby, and quickly left Jane's place.

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