"A myserious note"

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(AN: Hi everyone, I'm sorry if the layout and stuff is kinda wonky, I'm still figuring out wattpad, which also explains why the story page looks unfinished, again, so so so SOOO sorry, I'll fix it once I figure this stuff out, but I hope you enjoy the story!)

My morning started like every other morning, with me oversleeping, spilling coffee all over my suit, missing the subway, and accidentally stubbing my paw on the way to the office... yup, just an average day in my life...

I stumbled into the office, despite my hurt paw, and sat down at my desk.

"Great gouda!" I said to no one in particular, my desk was a MESS!! I hadn't had time to clean it up since I really wanted to get home the previous night.

Oh wait, I just remembered, I haven't introduced myself! My name is Stilton, Geronimo Stilton. I run a newspaper called "The Rodent's Gazette". I don't mean to brag but it's basically the most famouse newspaper in all of New Mouse City!

Now, where was I? Ah yes, I was in the middle of cleaning up my desk. I stacked all my paperwork into three piles, work I already finished, work I was almost finished, and the work I had to do today.

I was left with one small pile, one medium pile, and a pile SO BIG IT WAS ALMOST TOUCHING THE CEILING!!

I was standing on the table, trying to put the last piece of paper on top of the pile when the door BURST OPEN!! I tripped and all of the paperwork flew everywhere in my office, covering not only my desk, but also the floor!!

I had just managed to free myself from the prison of parchments when I noticed who it was, it was my sister Thea!

"What are you doing on the floor, Gerrykins?" She asked as she helped me up.

I dusted off my suit as I replied "Just fixing paperwork, and it's GERONIMO, Thea."

"Yeah, yeah I know, but I overheard someone put a strange letter on your desk!"

I turned around and looked at my desk, which was still covered in all the paperwork I hadn't finished, then, I carefully started removing papers to find the letter.

When I say carefully, I mean REALLY CAREFULLY, I was taking as long as it took to age Blue Cheese. Thea groaned "Hurry up!! It could be important!" She yelled.

"Give me a second!" I said, making sure to stack up the papers in piles so they're not disorganized.

A minute of reorganizing papers later, Thea got annoyed and cleared out EVERY SINGLE ITEM on my desk!! Not just the papers, but my laptop, my office phone, my pens, even my desk lamp!

"Look what you've done!!" I yelled at Thea "Now we have to check the floor for the letter!!"

"It won't take too long, unlike you trying to clean your desk" Thea teased as she bent down to inspect the floor.

I scoffed. "Well, for your information, I'm not just gonna clear out the papers all willy nilly, otherwise we'll end up searching for that letter for so long we'll forget what we're looking for-"

"Found it." Thea said, holding a hot pink, sparkly envelope in her paw.

"Oh." I said, taking the envelope and checking for any sort of signature. The sticker used to seal it had the initials "SR" Hmm... strange...

I sat down at my desk and opened up the envelope to see what this "SR" rodent had to say and what the letter said nearly had me jumping out of my seat!

It read...

"Dear Stilton, I've just discovered the scoop of a lifetime! It'll drive all of New Mouse City crazy! It'll make my newspaper more popular than your's! It will make me all the money in the world!! And as much as I'd like to watch you cry as I reap my rewards, I'm willing to give you a chance to solve the mystery yourself, you'll need to interview Five Mice, whom I specially picked out. You have until the end of the week to solve this mystery.

Toodles! Your arch-rival

~Sally Ratmousen"

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