Room 4-D

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(AN: Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out only for it to be this short, writer's block and a packed schedule are a terrible combination!! After this I'll update more frequently, and the chapters will get longer, and that's a promise!)

I awoke the next morning to a knock at my door, I grumbled and checked the clock. It was 6:30am! Who on earth would be awake at this hour?!

I stumbled out of bed, out of my room, and to the door. Thea and Trap were standing there.

"What is it...?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

"We have to catch the ferry! Come on!" Thea yelled.

"Fairies aren't real Thea..." I leaned against the doorway, trying to keep myself awake.

Then, Trap grab my shoulders and shook me! I wobbled around like those balloon man things in front of fast food restaraunts.

"WAKEY WAKEY GERRY BERRY, WE GOT A MYSTERY TO SOLVE!!" Trap yelled, as if the shaking wasn't enough to snap me into reality.

When Trap let go of me, I fumbled for a moment and ran up to my room to change and grab my bag. When I opened up my bag to check if I packed everything, I noticed the letter from Sally I had gotten the night before.

I took it out of my bag and held onto it when I went downstairs.

"What's that?" Thea asked as we were walking to New Mouse City Port.

"I have no idea..." I replied "there's some kind of code on the back but I can't decypher it"

"Let me see!" Trap said, before I could protest, he grabbed the note from my hand and read the code... he only figured it out by the time we were on the ferry.

"It says Roomfourd" Trap stated, handing the note back to me.

"That... makes no sense..." I said to Trap, carefully analysing the note "Maybe it's room for d, just spelled wrong"

Trap giggled, when I asked him what was funny he just said "You said room for d!" ...I didn't get it, and frankly I didn't think I wanted to.

Finally, Thea analysed the code and came to the conclusion that it read "Room 4-D"

"What could it mean?" I asked.

Thea just shrugged "I know it's a classroom, but I don't know why Sally would point out that room specifically..."

"Maybe that's the room for d!" Trap joked, he slapped his knee and laughed after saying that.

I STILL don't get it!!

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