The Thea Sisters

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I was astonished, I nearly fainted from shock. Sally was giving me a daunting task that I only had a week to accomplish, A WEEK!! I can barely file my taxes in a month!

"This is outrageous!!" I said to Thea "We don't even know who we're meant to interview!!"

"Maybe it's on the back or something?" Thea asked.

I flipped the note over and found a list of five names. Pamela, Paulina, Violet, Colette, and Nicky. Well, at least I knew what names to look out for.

"Do you happen to know some mice of these names?"

"As a matter of fact..." Thea began "I know five mice with those EXACT names! Hold on."

Thea rushed over to my bookshelf, there I keep all the books that I've published, all my adventured, my friends' adventures and such. Thea pulled out the one I published for her.

"Do you recognize these mice?" She asked, as she showed me a picture with her and five other mice.

I squinted at it, I wiped my glasses, I tilted my head, still, I couldn't place my paw on who exactly these mice were. "Sorry Thea, I have no clue" I said, shrugging.

Thea rolled her eyes and shuffled through my pile of papers on the floor, she pulled out a copy of a newspaper The Gazette published a few months back, it told the story of five mice who saved everyone in a resort from a Mauna Loa eruption by warning everyone.

The names were listed in the article, "Pamela Tangu, Paulina Aijia, Violet Chen, Colette Camenbere, and Nicky Emborg"

"Moldy mozzerella!!" I squeaked, as if I wasn't about to faint before, I propped myself up against my desk. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Sally had hired Thea's students to participate in her evil scheme!!

I could tell Thea couldn't believe it either, she paced around the room frantically, wondering what this meant, what she could do, and what Sally wanted.

I was about to say something when the door BURST OPEN! I groaned, it was my cousin Trap...

"Hey there, cousinkins, what's going on-" right as he stepped into the room, he tripped on a stray piece of paper and fell right on his snout. I couldn't help but giggle.

"Sheesh, when's the last time you cleaned around here?!" He asked as he stood up.

"That's not important!" Thea said exasperatedly, her paws were shaking so hard I could hand her a pitcher of cream and she could make me a milkshake.

"Woah, what's got your tail twisted?" Trap asked, casually leaning against the wall as if nothing was wrong.

Thea and I told him everything, the letter, Thea's students, "The Thea Sisters" as she called them, and such. Trap didn't even bat an eyelash.

"So, Sally's holding Thea's students against her, big whoop. She's done worse!!"

Thea grabbed him by the collar of his hawaiian shirt and yelled "ARE YOU NUTS?! Sally has never threatened THEM before, sure she's done a lot to harm us but it NEVER, EVER came to the extent of her potentially manipulating people that mean so MUCH TO ME!!"

I watched Trap's face turn as pale as a piece of mozerella, one thing you should know about my sister is how much she cares about her students. One might even dare say she's like a second mother figure to them.

When she let go of Trap, none of us said a word for at least a minute.

And when we did finally speak again... we came up with a plan.

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