"Open the door please!" (Nicky part 1)

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(AN: Well, if y'all thought Pizza Pizza Pizza was long, you're in for quite the ride for this chapter! And sorry it took so long to get it out, let's just say these past few week have been QUITE the experience, but I'm not gonna waste any time, sorry for the cliffhanger btw)

I awoke some time later to the feeling of Thea's paw gently shaking my shoulder, I grumbled tiredly as I slowly sat up.

"Morning gerrykins!" She said with a smile "We've got interviews to do"

I rubbed my eyes and checked the clock on the nightstand. Great gouda! It was six am!

Out of instinct I dove back under the blanket.

"Hey! I thought you were gonna get up!" Thea whined.

"Whyyyyyyy!!" I whined back. "It's too early..."

"We have to find Nicky, the sooner we interview her, the sooner we get this mystery solved!"

"It's six am, Thea..."

"Yeah, and we're an hour late, c'mon, we gotta go find Nicky, she's probably jogging around the island right about now"

I sighed and dragged myself out of bed. Throwing on my suit jacket as I went into the living room, Trap was sitting on the couch, drinking... something out of a can.

I groaned "Do you guys hate sleep or something?!"

"Nah, I just drank two cans of cheddar flavoured root beer to get myself going if you know what I'm saying, HA!" Trap said quickly, taking another sip from the can he was drinking.

I shuddered, sugary drinks tend to make Trap really jittery, or in other words, twice as annoying!

We left the dormitory and walked around the island in search of Nicky. And when I say "around the island", I mean ALL THE WAY around the island! I had to stop to catch my breath every five or so minutes! Have I ever mentioned I'm not an athletic mouse?

Anyways, we finally found Nicky doing stretches near the athletic fields. I opened my mouth to speak, but Thea interrupted me.

"Hi Nicky!" She said excitedly. Nicky ran up to us and continued stretching.

"Hello there, mates, care to come work out with me?" She asked. "Maybe do a few laps around the field?"

The universe just divines me to constantly get interrupted because before I could politely decline, Trap said "Geronimo would LOOOVE to work out with you!"

Nicky bolted towards the fields, I had no choice but to rush after her. My legs were wobbling like those balloon men in front of fast food restaurants. By the time I was close enough, I asked, still running "Nicky, [huff] are you willing to [huff] be interviewed so [huff] we can discuss what happened in room [huff] four [huff] D?"

Nicky skidded to a halt, I fell right on my snout.

"Sure, mate, I know a lot about what happened in that chemistry lab!"

"G-... good! We'll... meet you... in the janitor's closet..." I said, wobbling over to Thea, who carried me on the way.

As we were walking, I overheard Nicky saying "WAIT, IN THE WHAT?!"


Trap did his usual routine of slamming the table, only this time, he slammed it not once, not twice, but FOUR WHOLE TIMES!

"Alright, run-happy lady, tell us everything you know or so help me I will beat you to a pulp! Which I CAN do, these hands do more than just stuff cheese sandwiches into my mouth!" He took another glug of root beer.

"You sure you should be drinking that much, Trap?" Thea asked, pointing to the small pile of cans in the corner of the room, which really added to the already crammed space.

"Don't wanna fall asleep during the interview!" He said, taking another sip "Now answer the question, cheeseface!"

Nicky's leg was shaking, she tapped her paw the table repeatedly, as if she was uncomfortable. "S-sure, mate, I'll gladly tell you everything!"

"Then spill it!" He slammed the table again "SPILL! IT! NOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!"

"Calm down, Trap!" Thea squeaked as she held his arm.

"Don't tell me what to do!!" Trap yelled back, but he complied anyway.

"Now Nicky, please tell us what you know about what happened in Room Four D"

"I'd love to, mate! B-but, can you please open the door first?"

Thea turned to me "Gerrykins, please open the door" she asked.

Just as I was about to turn the doorknob, Trap shoved Thea aside and yelled "HOLD ON! HOLD ON! HOLD ONNNNNNNNNNN!!"

The room went dead silent for a moment, the only sound was Nicky gulping.

"I see what's happening here..." Trap sneered, he leaned into Nicky's ear and... YELLED "YOU'RE TRYING TO ESCAPE!!"

"E-escape, you got it all wrong, mate! I-I don't wanna-" Nicky stammered, but Trap interrupted.

"I know what happened, I think I just solved the mystery entirely by myself..."

"Really?" I asked "What's the answer then?"

He slammed the desk, and pointed dramatically at Nicky "YOU MADE EVERYTHING UP!!"

I gasped, Thea gasped, Nicky gasped. We were all shocked.


"It's all so obvious! You made up a fake mystery on the day it all happened so you could skip scienceology and work out!"

"Alright, first of all, scienceology ain't a real thing, numbnuts, and second of all, that'd imply I'd be replacing the substance and doubling it every day, which is very convoluted"

"Jokes on you I don't even know what convoluted means!"

Nicky sighed "Please just open the door"

"No way! You may not be the source of the problem but I know you're hiding SOMETHING!" He slammed the desk, I'm surprised it didn't break in half "The reason you want me to open the door is... YOU'RE TRYING TO ESCAPE! ESCAPE! ESSSCAAAAAPEE!!"

I gasped again, only this time I choked on my own saliva.

"E, as in, "escape! I need to escape!".

S, as in, "stop interrogating me, I might reveal my evil plan".

C, as in "cut it out! You're gonna break me".


P, as in, "Please stop being so great at interrogating me! You're making me nervous!"

E, as in... wait, didn't I already say E?"

Nicky was hyperventalating "Please... please open the door!"

"Trap, seriously, we really need to open the door!" Thea cried

"What are you gonna do? Hit me?" Trap leaned in smugly.

Without a moment's hesitation, she punched him right in the face! Then, she opened the door and then slapped him RIGHT ON THE BUTT! "She's claustrophobic, idiot!"

Trap rubbed his butt "Ohhhhhhhhhh...."

After all those shenanigans, Nicky finally talked....

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