A cheesy discovery

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(AN: As Geronimo's about to say a line from now, I'm terribly sorry. This chapter took a while, I know, finals have been a real pain in my non existent tail. But I powered through them, and now begins a new chapter of my life. That's right readers and mouse friends I'M ABOUT TO GRADUATE!!! Sorry, sorry, had to get that out there. I'll definitley have a lot of time to continue writing this fic over the summer and such, but enough ramblings, on with the chapter!)

I'm terribly sorry, mouse friends... I had no clue what Nicky said! I mean, I knew she was saying words, I was prepared to write those words down, I had my notebook in hand and everything but I just couldn't hear her!

Though to be fair, I probably wouldn't've been able to write anything down had I heard her. My vision was so blurry in spite of my wearing my glasses.

And even if my vision was clear, I didn't even have the strength to pick up my pencil. My paws were wobbling like jello!

Trap and Thea seemed to be completley in the moment, I watched Thea write down the incoherent mumbling of Nicky's voice faster than cheese melting on a skillet!

I slowly managed to get on my feet, I leaned against the wall the second I was upright. My head was spinning... it was probably the painful combination of waking up SO EARLY and all that RUNNING AROUND the island I did afterwards, plus all those shenanigans from Trap earlier gave me a POUNDING HEADACHE!

At that moment, I didn't care about the interview, all I wanted was a nap and a cup of chamomile tea.

"I-I'm gonna go outside f-for some... fresh air..." I mumbled, opening the door and stepping outside.

Everything around me was spinning, I leaned against the wall, trying not to faint. Maybe it was best I just headed back to the dormitory. I was in no condition to squeak to, much less interview anyone at that moment.

I managed to take one step, then two, then three, huh, so I definitley had the energy to walk. The only problem was... I had no clue where I was going, everything was all blurry and wobbly!

I stopped walking in front of a door, I made out the letter "D"

"That must be the dormitory!" I thought out loud.

When I walked inside, I was shocked to see another mouse there, I could make out long black hair, but other than that they were just a blurry grey blob.

They squeaked and ran past me, pushing me aside. I didn't really pay much mind to it, perhaps it was just a... housekeeper or something.

I felt around the room and my paw had touched something... soft! It was big enough to fit me so I laid down in it.

I felt comfortable... comfortable enough to... fall asleep right then and there...

And I did...

Though, that didn't really last long, the very second I drifted off, I heard a very loud, very familiar, very annoying "GERONIMOOOOOOOOOOO!!"

I jolted upright "What- huh? Wh- what's going on?" I stammered.

"You're laying on the evidence!" A voice that sounded like Thea's said.

Well, at least my hearing was okay.

Someone's paw ripped me from the service I was laying on, I realized that not only was the... thing soft. It was also


Great, now I needed a nap, a cup of chamomile tea, and a really long bath!

Though, maybe I could have all three at the same time? I'm not AGAINST the idea of sleeping in a bathtub, I lay there doing nothing for so long I may as well be sleeping!

I was still thinking about naps and bubble baths when Thea interrupted my thoughts "Do you guys see this?" She asked, holding up a grey blob, which blended with her paw which also looked like a grey blob, so it just looked like a bigger grey blob, and made it all the more confusing.

Trap and Nicky, knew exactly what it was though, apparently it was a lump of grey fur. Which meant SOMEONE was there before I got there.

"Seems they also doubled the substance again" Nicky said "The pile is enormouse!"

"Kinda squishy too!" Trap stated, jiggling the... whatever it was.

That was when I realised that.. I almost fell asleep on the... gross substance!

I was so shocked all my senses came back. My vision cleared up, I stood upright, everything was no longer wobbling. But the only thing I felt in that moment was... embarrassment...

But then, I immediatley felt disgusted, you wanna know why?

Because Trap broke off a piece of the whatever... and ATE IT!!

"Ewwwwwwww!!" Everyone else, including me, said at once.

"Relaaaaxxxx!!" Trap said, batting his paw "It ain't poisonous! More than anything, it's delicious!" He broke off another piece and handed it to me.

Now was the worst possible time for my sense of smell to come back, the thing REEKED!! It was like cheese that'd been brining for CENTURIES!

Actually, it smelled exactly like cheese! Like, actual cheese... I hesitantly took a bite, and that's when it hit me!

The substance was cheese!! That didn't explain anything else but at least I knew what "whatever it was" was!

Thea excitedly wrote something down in her notebook "This is big! We're gonna crack this case wide open!"

"We may even earn some dough out of it too! And I don't just mean cash!" Trap said, eating another chunk of the mystery cheese.

"Gross! Well, I better head out and continue jogging. Was nice talkin' to ya, mates!" Nicky said with a wink and bounded out the door.

"Alright, we have two rodents left, Paulina and Violet. We should be able to talk to them during lunch time later this afternoon." Thea stated.

"And grab lunch for ourselves while we're at it!" Trap joked.

Thea rolled her eyes "Well, guess we better head back to the dorm and compile our evidence, right gerrykins?"

"Yes, of course, but there's juuust one thing" I began.

I slowly wobbled and then, fell snout first onto the floor

"One of you... has to... carry me..."

Trap and Thea both squeaked cries of worry, wondering if I was okay, or if I hurt myself... but the only answer I gave them was snnnnzzzz mimimimimimi....

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