"Pizza Pizza Pizza"

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(AN: WHEW! It took a while, but this chapter is finally out and long! Yes, long, just as I promised. Because in the words of the titular mouse "A rodent's promise is nothing to joke about" of course, I'm no rodent but- anyways, enjoy!)

We finally made it to Mouseford Academy. The school was big and made entirely out of white bricks, or, something, I'm no geology mouse. But material aside, the school was very fancy.

"Pamela is the first mouse on the list" Thea said, breaking the silence "She looks like this"

She showed me a picture of a mouse with long, brown, curly hair. Dressed in a red sweater and, most notabley, a pair of pants with stickers of slices of pizza on them.

"This mouse sure loves pizza..." I thought.

"She shouldn't be hard to find," Trap said "I can sniff out pizza from a mile away!"

One thing you should know about my cousin is, he really, really REALLY loves food!! So if the mission involved that, he'd be as helpful as same day cheese delivery when relatives come over.

He raised his snout and sniffed, then, his eyes widened and his mouth began to slobber!!

"Speaking of... I smell pizza right NOW!!"

"It's Friday, they always serve pizza on Fridays..." Thea sighed, she and I looked at eachother, knowing what this meant.

"PIZZAAAAAA!!" Trap squeaked at the top of his lungs, we rushed after him as he ran as fast as he could, I had to stop numerous times to catch my breath, have I ever mentioned I'm not an athletic mouse?

Anyways, we finally arrived at the cafeteria, mice of all shapes and sizes were sitting at tables eating pizza of various flavours, Trap spotted the mouse that matched Thea's picture to a T.

Thea was able to hold him back as the three of us approached the table where Pamela and the other Thea Sisters were eating. As I got closer, I heared one mouse say

"Do you ever feel like someone's just gonna snatch a slice of pizza out of your hand?"

To which another replied

"Violet that's CRAZY!! Who would do something like that"

And just as I reached their table and opened my mouth to speak, Trap leapt out of Thea's arms and snatched a slice of pizza right from Pamela's hand, AND ATE IT!!

"Hey! What was that for?!" Pamela snapped.

"Pardon my cousin," Thea said "He's... very hungry..."

All the sisters heads turned to Thea, their ears perked up, their eyes widened, and they all yelled in chorus "THEA!!"

And before you could say "Cheese niblets!" They all jumped up and hugged Thea. I could tell she was happy to see them, and they were happy to see her.

Meanwhile I was just standing there awkwardly, I barely knew these mice that well and I certainly didn't want to ruin this sweet moment, I just stared off and tried not to bother them.

When they let go of Thea, they all stared at me, there was a moment of awkward silence before Thea finally said something.

"Oh, this is my brother Geronimo, we came here to interview you on a certain... mystery..."

"Yes, exactly..." I said, finally getting the courage to speak "Rumor has it that you five have interacted with one Sally Ratmousen, is that correct?"

They all nodded, well all except the one with black hair, who seemed rather embarrassed to even hear me utter Sally's name. Hmm, how strange...

"Pamela, would you care to be the first rodent we interview?" I asked

Pamela just shrugged "If it means I get to skip advanced Geometry."


"Alright, cheese brain, fess up and tell us everything you know about what happened!!" Trap yelled, slamming the desk in front of him.

Me, Trap, Thea, and Pamela were all in a dark room, the only light coming from Trap's flashlight shined directly into Pamela's face.

Pamela was sitting on a chair, completley unfazed by his yelling.

"Trap, I understand why you wanted to do this somewhere privately..." I started, feeling the wall next to me for a light switch "But do you have to do it..."

I turned on the light.


It was a very tight squeeze, everyone else got a decent amount of legroom while I was having an intimate moment with the wall next to the door.

"Hey, at least it's clean" Trap shrugged. "Now answer the question, cheddarface!" He slammed the desk again.

"Trap, let me handle this" Thea said, approaching the desk "Pamela, did anything strange occur at Room 4D?"

"The chemistry lab?" Pamela asked "Yeah, something strange alright. There was apparently something growing under the teacher's desk."

Trap and I both wrote in our notebooks while Thea kept interviewing her, she told us about some green, sticky substance, almost gum-like, that was stuck under the teacher's desk. The janitor reported that it doubled in size the day after it was found.

"That's basically all I know" Pamela said "The rest of my memories are as plain as plain cheese pizza."

"You really have a thing for pizza" I said.

"Only really happened in my freshman year, not many people were fond of it."

"You guys got all that?" Thea asked.

"Every last word" I said, showing Thea my notebook "Trap? How about you?"

"Oh I wasn't paying attention, I just drew a slice of pizza."

Five Mice, One AnswerWhere stories live. Discover now