It's big and keeps getting bigger

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Later, after school, we interviewed Colette.

"Okay missy missy, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way! And I don't know how to do it the hard way, so we better do it the easy way!!" Trap yelled, punching his open hand as if this was some trashy 80's cop show.

I rolled my eyes "Trap, please take this seriously..."

"I am taking it seriously!! I'm being a cop!!"

"We're not cops, we're journalists!!" Thea snapped.

"Journalist, shmournalist, everyone knows the best way to get info out of someone is to yell at them!!"

"Not even close, Trap... not even close..." I sighed, have I ever mentioned that my cousin can be so... annoying, sometimes?

Colette shared my annoyance "Is he always like that?" She asked Thea.

"You have no idea..."

"Well, if you're into it, I can act like this more often~"

"I'm not interested, thank you very much"

"You sure? Cause a rodent like me could totally use a rodent like you~"

"I'm flattered, but hard no"

"Come on Colly, you and I go together like cheese and crackers!"

"It's Colette, please. And how about I spell it out for you: N-O. Understandable? I do hope so-- it's only two letters, after all."

"Well how about I spell something for you: P-L-E-E-S D-A-Y-T M-E!!"

"Maybe I will when you learn how to spell 'please' and 'date'. Seriously, pick up a book"

"Reading's for nerds!"

Colette rolled her eyes "Can we just get this over with?"

"Yes, we shall..." I began, "Colette, please tell us what you know about what happened in Room 4-D"

She told us that the strange substance kept coming back, even when the janitor removes it from under the desk. And everytime it comes back, it doubles in size. Hmmm... how strange.

When the three of us got back to our dormitory to turn it for the night, I analysed the information we gathered.

Whatever this substance was, it's probably alive, building a nest of some kind under the teacher's desk and doubling in size to... birth it's offspring?

"I should probably ask the next mouse we're interviewing if they know what the substance is" I told myself.

But for now, I slipped under the covers and drifted off to sleep...

Five Mice, One AnswerWhere stories live. Discover now