Chapter 7 ~Echo

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"What the... how the... What are you doing here?" I breathed. My voice seemed to have been trapped in my throat, as my heart changed from its steady, sleep based rhythm, to that of a coyote chasing its prey. My eyes quickly attached to his emerald green irises that had considerably widened since my eyes had opened from the depths of sleep. My brand had lit up as my short shallow breaths filled the room, each initial strengthening the fire that had begun less than 24 hours ago, and seemed to have strengthened since Michael introduced himself. Bloody Michael... Silence stretched around us both, creating our own little bubble that seemed like it was made out of titanium, as we both took in every inch of one another. His eyes and how every shade of green swam together to create an entirely new colour that was unique to him, his hair and how it clashed against the paleness of his skin, but still suited him to perfection. The little scar near his eyebrow that was subtle, but still noticeable, and his lips and how they were slightly parted as the shock of my abrupt awakening washed over him. Well I'm guessing it was shock, it was highly probable since a wave of nervousness and a little fear washed over me in such a large quantity, and I knew for a fact that it wasn't me. Well... maybe a little.

A little my arse... Maybe try about a typhoon size...

Shut. Up.

"Luke sent me up to wake you, Ashton and Calum were busy pilling up the sack of gifts I had to carry over so the job fell to me." He explained in tone the struck me as a little monotone. My eyes automatically narrowed as his word cemented themselves into my brain. The job? Like the task of waking me was some kind of burden on him that he was forced to undertake as there was no other choice available.

He could have meant it a different way you idiot, don't go over analysing everything, because he's your soulmate.

Well, he could be. He could hate me, as much as I hate him.

Hate him? Oh sweetheart are you sure about that fact? Or have his ruby reds hypnotised you again? My subconscious questioned, tapping her metaphorical foot in time with my heartbeat, as she raised her eyebrows.

I felt my heart stop, as my brain wracked for a witty answer to respond, but every single one got lodged in my throat.

I'm taking your silence as a 'No I don't hate him dear subconscious, in fact wanna get married to him and have his babies like I'm supposedly destined to do.'

Oh fuck off!

I shifted my attention back to the man in question and looked him over once more, my eyes still narrowed, as I swallowed the sarcastic comment that was begging to be let loose from my voice box and took a deep breath. His eyes shifted away from me awkwardly, landing on individual objects around the room, as if he were avoiding making eye contact for some unknown reason.

"So they sent you." I repeated slowly, each word seeming to carry its own weight, as his eyes gradually shifted back to me and away from my crimson walls that they had seemed to have finally settled on.

"That's what I said didn't I?" He snapped, instantly making my eyebrows jump up towards my hairline. "Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't... Fuck..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2015 ⏰

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