Chapter 7 - Back to Old Habits

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I dreaded walking back in to school this morning and I know I must keep my head down today. I cannot be doing another milkshake on my head again. The morning seemed to go fine without a hitch, and I felt awful when I heard Myla and Noah shout my name as I left homeroom as quickly as possible. I know they were trying their best to involve me in conversations, but I wasn't up for it. I was curious as to why Axton rushed out yesterday when my grandma turned up. But that doesn't matter now, I just need to focus on getting the science project started and not ask any questions.

I walk faster to my first lesson of the day which is English. I settled down on the chair at the side of the room, Myla and Noah followed shortly after.

"Hey Sophie, are you okay?" I heard Myla ask. I looked up at her gave her my best smile, and nodded yes.

"Are you sure? Did something happen yesterday with Axton? He may fight but I can throw a hell of a punch." Noah said whilst sitting down in front of me.

"Guys.. I'm fine trust me. I guess yesterday was a lot and today I just need to be out of everyone's way. I just want to be on my own at lunch if that is okay with you guys. I don't want you two feeling like you've done something wrong. To which you haven't." I looked at them both and smiled. I started to gather my things out of my bag and put the necessary stuff on my desk hoping that Myla and Noah will drop the subject. When I heard them get their own stuff out their bags, I sighed in relief they left the subject alone.

The room was getting full, and the three familiar guys stalked into the room and took their time to take theirs as usual, they sat at the back. I didn't look up at them, but I knew he was looking at me I could feel it. I stared out the window hoping to find something more interesting to look at. The teacher droned on; I normally enjoy English but today I can't focus. It's not like I'm missing anything important, we did Romeo and Juliet in my last school. As much as I loved the story line it does get repetitive. I spent most of my lesson looking outside. As it was double English and by the time the bell rang it was lunch time. I gathered my things and headed out the door and looked for the signs of the library. I know I said to myself yesterday morning I wasn't going to be like this but I'm not sure what I would've done if Lindsay got her hands on me again, and I can't exactly rely on others to fight my battles. I take a seat near the back of the library and pull out the lunch my Grams made me. I pulled out the latest book I was reading, I was that engrossed I didn't notice someone standing opposite me until he coughed. I looked at his messy brown hair and wide smile.

"Excuse me. Do you mind if I join you? I normally sit here and never get company." He motioned the chair opposite me. I swallowed the rest on my sandwich and nodded yes. He let out a small thank you and proceeded to do what I was doing, reading a book and having some lunch.

"Hi, I'm Sophie by the way." I said to him. He looked up at me as he put his book down on the table.

"I'm Oliver, but you can call me Oli if you want. I don't mind to be honest." Oliver replied. We shook hands and proceeded to read our books. It was nice to have a break from eyes staring at me and people looking at me. When I was in my last school, I must have spent every lunch possible in the library and lost count on how many books I have read.

"Do you come here often?" I questioned Oliver.

"Is that a pickup line Sophie?" Oliver laughed. My cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"No. I didn't mean it like that. I just mean why are you here on a lunch time?" I resorted back. Oliver started to laugh when I fumbled over my words.

"I know you didn't, but I could ask you the same question but I'm guessing we have the same answer." Oliver replied. I didn't answer him, but I know he's right. The rest of lunch went by too quickly for my liking as I dreaded for my next lesson which was physical education.

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