Chaper Three - The first meeting

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The hairs on the back of my neck that stood up sent a shiver over my whole body and my breath started to quicken.

"Are you deaf, little one?" said the deep voice again.

'Don't be a coward Sophie just look up and say something.' I took a deep breath and looked up and saw icy blue eyes that could see into any soul that they come across staring into my dull blue eyes.

"Excuse Me?" I said shakily

"It's a bit too late for that don't you think? And I find the words you are looking for is 'sorry' little one."

"C'mon Axton don't be rude it was all an accident. Plus she came off worse than you, her things are scattered on the floor." Said another guy as he slapped Axton on the back. He grabbed my hand and started to shake it. "Hi, the name is Luca and this here is Theodore but likes to be called Theo". I looked down and noticed Theo picking up my books as well as the few papers that manage to fall too.

"Hi I'm Sophie" I introduced smiling at them both and trying to ignore the piercing blue eyes that I could feel burning in to me. I shook Lucas' hand back and took the books from Theo along with a grateful sigh and had him a silent thank you.

"And you are?" Luca said to Myla who looked at her up and down with a smirk on his face.

"Must be going" Myla returned with her face red as a rose while grabbing my hand and dragging me along with her to homeroom. I looked behind me to find Axton looking deeply at me with no emotion on his face whatsoever. I don't know what came over me it's like a boost of confidence. I smiled at him and managed to give him a slight wave that I could manage with my books in hand.

"How did you manage to stay alive?" Myla said while sitting down on one of the seats. "Like how? No one really talks to Axton apart from Luca and Theo. Then of course the 'IT' girls do especially Lindsay."

"And who is Lindsay?" I say while taking a seat next to her.

"Ah, well all I have to say is try and stay on her good side. She can make your life hell if she wanted too and trust me she will. Last year a girl transferred to another school because of her."

I looked at her shocked, no way someone can be that nasty. Then again, I have had a fair few moments to know how it feels to have someone make your life a living hell.

"What did the girl do?" I wondered

"She spilt her lunch on Lindsay by accident. Even though it wasn't her fault Lindsay was the one who walked into her in the first place". Myla looked at me and gave a small smile.

Other students started to pile in and take their seats whilst staring at me and whispering. I tried not to let it bother me. What do I expect it was like earlier? I'm the new kid of course it's going to happen.

"You are late again Mr Reed, so are you Luca and Theo" said the teacher, whilst giving them a disapproving look.

"I'm here aren't I?" Axton gave a sign and started walking closer to me and I'm praying on the inside that he doesn't take the seat behind and because luck is always on my side... he took the seat behind me while Luca and Theo took a seat either side of him. In the corner of my eye and can see Myla sheepishly looking at Luca.

The teacher was going through morning announcements and talking about what events are coming this week and the next few weeks. There was one event that I perked up at and that was the school fair. I have never been to a school fair before nor has Elliott it will be good for him to see one. Once the teacher stopped talking about it and wondered.

"What's the school fair about?" I asked out loud

"What's the school fair about? How can you ask that it is only the best thing ever to happen and to attend to plus we only go to throw pies in the teachers' faces!." Theo replied literally on the edge of his seat with excitement. Luca burst out laughing.

"He is been dramatic, and it is just an event we do to raise money for the school for gym equipment and technology things for geeks." Luca said. "Plus, it is a good chance for me to chat up the girls at the kissing booth. Hey Myla? Will you be attending the kissing booth while I'm on there?" Myla's face went red as a tomato.

"NO! why would I do that?" Myla spluttered. I can't help but sneak a glance at Luca and he looked a little bit disappointed. I then took another sneak glance at Axton and he was already staring at me and again the look sent shivers down my spine.

"What are you staring at?" He said abruptly. I don't know what came over but I looked him in the eyes and answered him back with the same amount of abruptness.

"You. Have you got a problem with that?" Myla gasped beside me. And I then noticed the whispers surrounding me. While Luca and Theo started to laugh. Axton just looked at me and his nose flared. I can tell in that moment I have just angered him. Just before the bell rang Axton stood up and started to walk out. To where I can only imagine.

I looked at Myla and she looked a little scared after that encounter, but I don't understand why. When the bell rang everyone in the room started to gather their belongings and started to head out the door and I did the same. I walked along the corridor with Myla by my side heading to my first lesson science.

The science room was nothing special, it is just the same as any other science classroom I've seen. Myla dragged me to a table that already had someone sitting at it. It was someone my age with messy brown hair and dark brown eyes and a few freckles spotted on his face and circular classes sitting on the bridge of his nose.

"Sophie, meet Noah. Noah meet Sophie." I looked and Noah and I were taken back by the big grin on his face.

"Hi." "Hey." We both said at the same time. We all looked at each other and laughed.

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