❤️First kiss with S/o

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Anonymous asked:
How will First Kisses with DRA Cast will be like it could either be the boys cast or girls

Bruh this is so cringey- I'm sorry in advance

Yuki Maeda: 

You and Yuki walked to your house in silence. 

The two of you had been going out for a few weeks now, and tonight's trip to the carnival was definitely the best date the two of you ever had. 

Of course, you ran into your classmates a few times, who thought you both were just hanging out and invited you both to whatever they were doing. The two of you didn't want to tell your classmates yet, and prepare yourselves for the teasing that was sure to come. 

While the night was spend with the same whacky adventures of your class, the two of you still had time alone together, where you'd both talk about your hopes and dreams for the future while sharing some food. 

It was ordinary yet exciting at the same time, and the two of you couldn't be happier. But of course, all good things must come to an end, and Yuki offered to walk you home. 

Now the two of you were enjoying the peaceful stroll in the chilling night air. You couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment when your house came into view. This night was nearly perfect, what more could you have wanted out of it?

"Hey, Y/n?" Yuki blushed a bit.

"Yeah?" You smiled back at him.

He paused for a moment, "...I had fun tonight."

"Yeah, I did too. Did you see Haru's face after Satsuki put him on that ride?" You laughed. 

Yuki laughed a bit too, the both of you reminiscing as you headed up your front steps. 

You noticed that you were sweating a bit, your hands fumbling with your house keys.  

Why wouldn't the door open?

You heard Yuki take a deep breath from beside you. 

"Hey...Y/n. I did have fun tonight, but that's not what I wanted to say." You raised an eyebrow at that.

"I-I really like you! And...I want us to be official." 

You felt your smile widen. 

"...I feel the same way! I want to.." You hesitated, wanting to slap yourself for how cringey you were about to sound, "be your girlfriend!"

Yuki blushed at those words, slowly taking your hands in his. He looked back up at you with a love struck expression on his face, and you found yourselves getting closer and closer

Until your lips locked together.

It was amazing. It felt like heaven on earth. A part of you didn't want to let go of him. 

The two of you eventually had to pull away, your faces still red and the smiles on your faces growing.

"...I'll see you tomorrow, Y/n."

"Goodnight, Yuki."

"Goodnight, Y/n."

Haruhiko Kobashikawa: 

You looked into the mirror for perhaps the fifth time in the past few minutes

"Cmon N/n! You look amazing!" Kizuna smiled. 

You sighed to yourself, you weren't one for school dances, mostly going for the food. It didn't help that this was a dance for the most prestigious school in the world, meaning everything was extra extravagant. 

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