💙Animal Tamer S/o

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SDRA2 Teruya Otori:

He's pretty impressed when he first sees you, but still a little intimidated 

Please don't let the birds peck his hat or goggles, but other than that, he doesn't mind them too much as he gets to know you (and them)

Through his trauma, memory loss, and confusion, he needs some emotional support animals big time

He loves petting and playing with them and the animals accept him and like him very quickly

His favorite moment with you was when the two of you were cuddling together, with your animals acting as your personal blankets

He really does like your animals, even if he has to keep them from ransacking Otori Mart

Nikei Yomiuri:

He was terrified of you at first


He probably runs away ngl

It takes him a while to approach you again, when he does, it's when your inside the monocruise so at least most of your birds won't crap on him

You introduce yourself and he interviews you, but when he asks perverted questions, this man is nearly killed (Like that bear scene from Despair Arc)

He learns his lesson very quickly

Him and your animals are basically forced into a truce to make you happy

Sometimes he'll just grab a slab of meat and throw it (usually at Mikado) and run away with you

Shinji Kasai:

He wasn't too intimidated, he was surprised, but not too scared 

There's a chance your animals were intimated at his appearance, and maybe confused his red face for anger at you

He makes sure none of the herbivores try to eat the flower necklace, but besides that he doesn't really mind

It makes him glad that you have friends looking out for you, human or not

He's always willing to let any of the animals jog with him (especially if you come too)

Your animals accept him (and he also gives good pets)

Hajime Makonouchi:

Similar to Shinji, surprised, but not scared

Your animals might be intimidated by him, but not too much

He'll never say no to petting and holding any of them, even the lions and bears

When he trusts you, he'll trust them

He is also glad you always have friends protecting you and staying by your side, he only wishes that he could have had the same

Will ask you to bring some of them with you when you train and will research ways to keep them healthy

SDRA2 Yuki Maeda:

He yelps when he sees all of your pets

"A-Are they...tame..?"

He nervously asked you if he could pet one of the smaller and fluffy ones, like a tiger cub or dog

It was a flip of the coin whether they loved him or clawed the crap out of him

He is still gentle with your animals and loves giving them treats, one of the reasons you fell for him, eventually warms up to the larger ones

Eventually your animals warm up to him, but he still tries to avoid the intimidating tigers and bears

Sometimes your birds will try to make a nest in his hair

Yuri Kagarin:

If you're a girl, he didn't care

"Getting bit and scratched is worth talking to you, Y/n darling~"

Will help you take care of them just to spend some time with you, even if his arm is nearly ripped off

Will happily pet even your most ferocious tiger, and would always give them treats when giving you gifts

He personally prefers the fluffy animals, no matter how big or scary and will talk in Russian whenever he soothes them (and you-)

He really doesn't mind your animals, eventually learning their names and coming to love them all

If you're a boy, that's all the more reason for him to stay away from you

Your birds will definitely try to nest in his hair-

Your animals will also chase him every time he insults you or even comes close, making any attempt at a relationship that much harder

You probably won't get together unless he finds you being kind to your animals and other girls, and eventually him 

Realizing that not all men are bad would make him reconsider, but it would still take a while
Unless the above or an animal plays wingman, you probably won't get together

Syobai Hashimoto:

He thinks your pretty badass and isn't intimidated at all

It would probably be a while before you get together, even though the animals are harmless compared to people he's dealt with, he is still cold and generally mean which would piss your animals off

Your animals would definitely hate him

It would be up to you to befriend him, but when he accepts you as a friend (a hard task in itself) and your animals accept that you like him, he would eventually learn their names, even if it's just to shoo them away

It's annoying having to share you with them, but he learns to deal with it as long as they give the two of you some privacy every once in a while

Would probably ask to hire one of your intimidating animals as a bodyguard or somehow incorporate them in some kind of scam

Not afraid to bribe them with treats to get alone with you (Most times, to his surprise, it doesn't work, congrats you got loyal friends)

Mikado Sannoji:

Your animals hate him the second they see him

Why? He's literally the mastermind

For a while, him trying to get near you is like a scene from a comedy movie, the animals just won't let him close

He tried everything! Scaring them away with fireworks, bribing them with treats, using Monocrow as a negotiator/diversion, nothing worked!

You basically have to talk with him yourself, and he's very happy when you do

The second you see to tolerate him, he won't leave your side

"Sorry everyone, Y/n already approved my presence!" 

He'll stick his tongue at them when you're not looking and cling to the side of your arm

It doesn't matter how many claw marks or bird droppings he gets on him, he's happy to be with someone who cares about him

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