💛Rei Mekaru x reader

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Teasing Rei Mekaru was practically your new ultimate. Rei's personally was naturally cold and dismissive towards people, but after months of talking and talking, she finally seemed to tolerate you. 

The rest of your coworkers had no idea how you managed to get close to her, but they were happy for you anyway, asking if you could invite her to events outside of work. After befriending you, Rei seemed to open up more to other people, and while she was still a long way from being as social as some of her former classmates, there was a definite change in her personality. 



"What did you write in my notebook?" She asked you, holding up the notebook in question.

"I have no idea what your talking about."

"Idiot, I can recognize your handwriting."

"Still doesn't ring a bell. What does it say?"


You grinned at her, "Yeees?"

She seemed unable to look you in the eyes, "It says, "Will the lovely Rei Mekaru please take a break from her work and hang out with her best friend Y/n." Happy?"

"I think I might've written something similar. What do you think though?"

"...I think you're still an idiot." 

You were insufferable. That's all that Rei could tell herself. That's all the explanation she had for the constant butterflies in her stomach and the rapid heartbeats she felt whenever she was around you. You knew what you were doing to her and you were enjoying it. 

(You had no idea what you were doing, you just liked her and hoped that she liked you back)
When she heard you mention that you liked short hair, she brushed it off. Why should she care what you like? 


...She doesn't care. Not at all. 

So why can't she get that comment out of her head?

She would stare in the mirror a lot. She didn't care much for her hair, and was meaning to get it cut anyway. Why not try something new? 

Yeah, that's all. Just trying something new. Nothing to do with you.

She kept repeating those thoughts over and over, even as she asked the hairdresser to cut it short, even as she was unable to get your blushing reaction to her hair out of her head. 


"Morning, Y/n." 

"Ha! You used my first na-..."

The realization that she did indeed use your first name briefly shattered her ego boost, but she snapped herself out of it in favor of seeing your totally not adorable face. 

She stared at your reaction, unable to keep the smile off her face. She didn't even register her hands going in her pockets, and her own posture getting more relaxed. It was just another effect you had on her, but she was too busy enjoying the look on your face. 

Obviously, the entire foundation teased her for the rest of the week, abut at the same time, you couldn't look at her without blushing. It was a small price to pay. 

She denied it had anything to do with you, but she couldn't even lie to herself anymore. Yeah, she was in love with you. She could accept that, but it still might be a while before she's prepared to confess her feelings. 

When she does, she'll make it the greatest confession you've ever received.

Art by @MayoiKinnie on Pinterest

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Art by @MayoiKinnie on Pinterest

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