💞DRA Boys with Sibling Hit by Football

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Ask: Dra boys x child reader where mitch kicks a football and it hits y/n in the face please. Just thought it would be kinda funny

#StopY/nAbuse (I say as I write like 20 Y/n angst requests-)

Mitch Higa:

He would never hurt you on purpose, he can only pray that you know that, despite your young age

The two of you were kicking the ball back and forth, and thanks to a distraction, which was totally not a group of girls awing at him and you, Mitch ended up kicking the ball a little too hard...


The moment he realized what he did, he immediately felt awful.

"SHIT! Y/n! Wait- Forget you heard that! I'm sorry! Does it hurt?"

He has no idea how to really help, so he just begs for forgiveness and gets you an icepack. Mitch decides to get you some icecream and VIP access for his next big game.

"Thank you, big bro!"

"Haha...Yeah... Let's just not mention this to our parents-"

Haruhiko Kobashikawa:

Mitch may be his friend and idol, but he was still pissed that you were hurt because of him.

"Y/n!! Are you alright? Does it hurt?? MITCH! What the hell, dude!?"

Haru's first priority is comforting you, which means getting you an icepack and a lollipop he stole from Kanata (Probably with your help-)

Kiyoka, Satsuki, and Teruya help cheer you up! Mitch apologizes multiple times, and Haru personally forgives him pretty quickly, but he won't make you if you don't want to

He tries to be more aware of your surroundings, and tries to keep you away from anything dangerous for a while, but eventually gets hit in the face himself

Teruya Otori:

He was NOT expecting it in the slightest. One moment he's talking about making new clothes for you, and the next, you're crying on the ground, clutching your face.

"AAAAAAH! Y/n!! Wha' happ'nd!?"

Teruya frantically runs to your side, and as Mitch runs over, he finally realizes what happened. He's angry at Mitch, but slightly understanding since it was an accident. He mostly feels mad at himself for not being able to protect you, but he knows basic first aid, so he helps you with that.

He thinks you should forgive Mitch, but won't push it. When your father found out about what happened, he spoiled you with practically the whole store.

Per your father's wishes, Teruya tried to keep a closer eye on you from then on, letting you help him and the sunshine quartet prank Mitch in revenge

Yamato Kisaragi:

"Y/n!! Ohmygosh! HELP!"

Anytime you're hurt, Yamato immediately freaks out and yells for help, even if you were barely scratched. His fears vanish after a few moments, but he still keeps up the silly act for you.

Sure, this wasn't his first time as a big brother, but he wasn't the kindest to Mikako when she was your age, and he won't make that mistake again. If he has to make a fool out of himself to show how much he cares about you, or even make you giggle a bit? So be it.

If you're still crying after some time, he'll make a show of hitting himself in the face with a football, too.

He'll lecture Mitch whether you'll there or not, but forgives him quickly, and will not hesitate to beg or give puppy dog eyes if you still refuse to accept Mitch's apology after a couple days.

He makes you a tiny safety robot to help watch your surroundings when he's not there (And also when he is there but he wants to look strong in front of you-)


He had to be greatly distracted for his divine luck to not prevent this, and even then, he's still in shock for a few seconds after the ball hits you


He doesn't say anything, quickly checking you over and making sure you don't have a concussion. (Not like he'd have any idea how to help you outside of his luck in that situation)

Mitch apologizes, already hearing the boss music and older brother instincts from Utsuro kicking in.

"...apologize to Y/n. Not me."

He obliges, getting down on his knees at one point. Utsuro leaves it up to you to forgive him or not, but either way, Mitch loses almost every soccer game he's in for months afterword

Kakeru Yamaguchi:

"A-Ah! I-It's okay, Y/n! It was an accident, r-right!?" He reassures you, trying to give a comforting smile. (But it looks terrifying, and Mitch thinks Kakeru's about to kill him)

Mitch can only rapidly nod his head, getting an icepack. Even if the injury is minor, Kakeru would still bring you to Kanata to be extra safe.

You're soon smiling again as your Big Sis Kanata gives you a lollipop

He still feels bad about not being able to prevent something like this, so he'll basically give you anything you want for the next few days. You reassure him that it wasn't his fault and you love him, but you'll still accept his offers to carry you-

Kinji Uehara:

"...! Y/n, it's alright... Shh...I'm here..."

He's caught off guard, but is quick to calm you down. He keeps him voice soft and gentle, reassuring you that it would be alright, while also checking for signs of a concussion. Kinji will definitely bring you to Kanata just to be sure.

As long as Mitch apologizes, Kinji forgives him, and believes you should as well. Even if it's your face that's hurt, he'll offer to give you a piggyback ride to help make you feel better

He'll lecture Mitch later and have him properly apologize to you, but until then, he'll spoil you with attention

Yuki Maeda:

"Y/n! Hey...! It's okay, just show me where it hurts..."

He's sent into a panic at first, but relaxes a bit upon realizing it's nothing serious. He's moderately annoyed at Mitch, but calming you down is his first priority.

He's not very experienced in first aid, so he'll get an ice pack if you ask for one, and would take you to Kanata if you show any symptoms of a concussion.

Yuki forgives him within the day, and advises you to do the same since it was an accident. He reassures you that he will make sure nothing like this happens again

You wrap your arms around your big brother, and he hugs you tightly, promising himself to be more aware from now own

Tsurugi Kinjo:

Tsurugi was always protective over you, scolding his classmates any time they tried to prank you, and almost killing a man after he tried to kidnap you

The moment that ball hit you, Mitch knew he had to either start running or beg for mercy

So you have chosen... DEATH.

If you started crying, Mitch would be ending up in tears as well by the time Tsurugi is done with him

Your brother won't resort to violence, since it was an accident and he was his classmate, but Mitch got the scolding of a lifetime

Even in twenty years, Tsurugi would still be salty about this.

His overprotectiveness only increases and you start to worry that one day he won't let you outside-

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