💚Yamato, Tsurugi, Mitch, Kinji, Kakeru, and DRA Yuki with S/o like Bruno

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Yamato Kisaragi:

He thinks your talent is so cool! He also likes to jam out to the song, but feels terrible when he realizes how cruel it is to someone so kind

He would never blame you for something bad happening, only thanking you for telling him

He loves your different personas, even making up some of his own 

He's very affectionate and sweet towards you, and will tell off anyone who talks and about you
He would also make a nicer parody to the song, and would intentionally sing horribly just to get you to laugh 

He's always there to comfort you if you feel bad about your ability, and won't hesitate to tell off your Abuela

"Hey, It's okay, S/o. I know about your ability, and how people feel about it. I love your ability, and I love you! Don't ever feel like your a bad omen, you're one of the best things to ever happen to me!"

Tsurugi Kinjo:

He's probably gotten multiple calls from people saying that you told them something bad would happen to them, and every time he would just ignore it

As he learned that everything the callers said would actually happen to them, he was still a bit skeptical. 

How are you able to do that?

He tries not to treat you any differently when he first meets you, but he's still suspicious of you

After a while though, he does learn to trust you, and decides that you aren't to blame for misfortune

He doesn't care about the song or anything, and as a cop he can publicly debunk the whole thing anyway

Your personas make him smile, and forget about whatever troubles he had faced during the day

"S/o, your...gift still confuses me, but I appreciate you for who you are. Your ability does not define you. You are not a bringer of bad luck, on the contrary... my life has been better with you in it."

Mitch Higa:

He avoided you for as long as he possibly could

He heard of what happened to the priest, the goldfish lady, and the fat man (his words)

With his reputation being extremely important to him, he didn't want to be anywhere near you, and you, being the understanding and kind person you were, accepted it

It wasn't until Haruhiko invited the class to an event and Mikako literally forced Mitch to introduce himself, did he realize how wrong the rumors were 

Even if you were socially awkward, you still listened to what he had to say and even complimented him a few times 

He hesitates over interacting with you again, still a bit skeptical about the rumors, but with the help from his class, he approaches you again

Your smile made him immediately decide he made the right choice

The two of you are the definition of the phrase "opposites attract"

He thought the song was pretty awesome, but wouldn't admit it

He was kinda jealous you had a whole song written about you-

He would chuckle a bit at any of your personas and give you a soccer ball to use as a prop 

Eventually, when his experience at Hope's Peak gives him his growth as a person, and he comes to realize that fame isn't everything (a lesson you helped him learn), he makes the choice himself to put his (and hopefully yours) happiness first and your reputations aside and ask you out, 

"Hey, S/o... I know I was a jerk when we first met, but you've definitely changed me. I know I'm still just a dude who loves soccer, but...ugh, what the hell.. asking someone out has never been this difficult...I really like you S/o, and I don't believe what they say about you. I don't care what my fans think. Will you.. go out with me?"

Kinji Uehara:

He isn't one to judge people based on rumors, even if one of the pastors at his church claimed to go bald because of you

He introduced himself to you and treated you like he would treat any other person, and soon you guys became close friends 

When someone warns him to stay away or says something bad about you, he'll politely correct them, telling them that you never wanted anything bad to happen or any fish to die 

He wouldn't blame you for any predictions you have about him. He tries to remind you to focus on the good predictions, and the happiness you have given people.

He doesn't care much for the song, politely asking people to stop singing it, maybe less politely if they sing it while you're still there

He would smile at the personas, and the two of you would use it to make the kids at the orphanage laugh

"You're ability is a gift, S/o. You were given the ability to see the future from a miracle. Even if the results may not yield to what people may wish, your gift was never meant to be a curse. You are not a curse. I'm sorry that your grandmother can't see that, but I do."

Kakeru Yamaguchi:

He was definitely scared of you

Kakeru apologized for everything he said, worried that you could curse him or something if he offended you

You were a lot sweeter than he imagined!

He thought you were adorable and caught feelings pretty quickly, and would bury his red face in his hands whenever you pulled out one of your personas 

The song is catchy to him, but he would feel terrible every time he thinks about it. How could he like such slander against you?

You, Kakeru, and Kanata are known to be the wholesome trio of your class

It's a while before he is able to gain the courage to confess his feelings, and it isn't until he finds you doubting yourself when he finally does it,

"I-I love you, S/o! A-And I don't care what people say! They're wrong about you! Y-You're the nicest p-person I know! Your grandmother is wrong... You're the miracle! All of you!"

DRA Yuki Maeda:

Yuki knew a lot about you from the start, having researched all the ultimates before going to Hope's Peak

However, you seemed so much cuter and shy than he thought you would be 

He thought the song was pretty catchy, but he stopped listening to it when he learned how wrong it was about you, and wouldn't hesitate to correct anyone if they thought this was what you were like

"Hey, it's not S/o's fault that those things happened to you. You asked for your fortune and they told you, even if it's not what you wanted to hear." 

He would be curious about his own fortune, and wouldn't blame you if it was bad 

He would chuckle at your other personas, while mentally thinking about how cute you were 

"Hey, S/o, you shouldn't let their words get to you! They don't know the real you, and you're so much better than they realize! That's why... I like you!"

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