❤️Phineas and Ferb's Driving Test Waltz with S/o's Dad

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Here's the scene for the people who don't know:

Kinji Uehara:

"Do you hereby attest that you took this drivers test out of your own free will?" 

He was a bit concerned when he heard the instructor say those words, and even a little worried when your father hesitated, but when the car got headbutted down a mountain by a goat, he was definitely startled

He didn't think he'd have to pray for something as small as this but dear lord was he wrong

He tried to keep himself from screaming as your dad nearly ran someone over, but when your father almost mowed down a bunch of pedestrians, he couldn't stop

He clutched his seatbelt and shut his eyes, mumbling prayers for the car to miraculously stop and both him and your father get out alive

His whole body trembled after every thump of the car hitting the ground, just to somehow fly upwards again and slam down

You said your own share of prayers beforehand, but you still kept a close eye to make sure your father hadn't gotten your boyfriend killed

It felt like hours of trembling and ignoring the screams of terror around him when Kinji felt the car come to a stop

"I don't think I did too bad." Your father said.

Kinji was too busy praising the lord for safety to answer

Teruya Otori:

"Do you hereby attest that you took this drivers test out of your own free will?" 


He is very confused to be asked such a question, but he nods anyway. What's the worst that could happen? This was your father!

He yelped when the goat headbutted the car down the mountain, and was a bit concerned when your father drank coffee and crossed his legs, braking and hitting the gas pedal at the same time as the car flew down the mountain.

His entire body was shaking as the car flipped upside down a few times

He flinched each time the car nearly fell into a lake, which happened way more times than it should

He tried to be stronger, knowing that you were watching him, but he got extremely worried when your dad almost ran over a kitten

After the initial shock and worry wore off, he didn't feel too bad! He talked a bit with your dad as he drove through the finish line.

"I don't think I did too bad."

Teruya smiled, "I think ya did great! Ya remind me of mah dad! I hope I can drive like you one day!" 

Your dad is grateful, and happy that you have such a sweet boyfriend! He also offers to teach Teruya how to drive-

Haruhiko Kobashikawa:

"Do you hereby attest that you took this drivers test out of your own free will?" 

"Oh, yeah. I do." His passengers always had to answer similar questions before getting on one of the carrier planes he flew, so he thought it was normal. 

He cried out when the goat headbutted the car, and he'll never admit how tightly he clung to your father as the car flew down the mountain

He was screaming as your father drank coffee while carelessly shifting gears down the mountain

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