Chapter 2

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Kai looked at the sleeping kid and walk inside. The smell of fresh food hit him in his nose, and he smiled. Nya must have done the dinner already. He closed the door to the shop and went to his living area. He went to the couch where he put Lloyd. It was hard at first because he was really hard to get off without waking him up. Luckily, he accomplished that. He walked to one cabinet and took out a blanket. He turned back to the sleeping boy and covered him in a blanket. Now... how to say to his sister that there is a small child in their house and he promised him food? Yeah... that will be interesting.

Brunette twirled his hair in nervousness. Okay, now or never. He sighed, looked again at Lloyd and went to the kitchen. Where he saw a girl with ocean blue eyes and black hair. Kai smiled „Hey Nya, how is it going?" Girl turned to look at her older brother and smiled. „It's going pretty well. I am making toasts with soup. I wanted to do something easy for my first cooking." She chuckled. „And... for how many people will it be?.." Kai nervously grinned. Nya only raised her eyebrow and completely faced her brother. „What do you mean? What did you do?" she asked suspiciously. Kai laughed nervously and looked everywhere but at his sister. „I may have or may have not seen a freezing kid out there and took him inside." Then he finally faced her and sighed. „I couldn't just leave him there." Nya nodded. „Alright... I think I made a good job and we have more food than usual. So I think it will be okay, but... where is the kid exactly?" she asked, looking around. Kai showed her to follow him to the next room.

She followed him and gasped when she saw the child. „Oh my god... what happened to him?" she asked horrified. „He is even smaller than we were his age!" she whispered yelled at Kai. He walked up to the kid and turned to Nya. „Honestly I don't know... the only thing I know, that his parents are assholes...." He growled. „Kai! Stop swearing in front of the child!" she glared at him. Brunette flinched „Sorr-" ,,Don't bother..." both of them jumped in surprise and looked at the child. Lloyd was glaring at them with glowing red eyes. Nya was staring at him, and Kai just crossed his arms. „I was living my whole life in darkly's school before I left" he sat up and nervously played with his fingers, staring back at Nya with challenge. Scream I dare you. His eyes said. But Nya had no plan to scream. She simply blinked and faced the brunette. „No wonder you took him inside. I can't believe these villagers. I know they don't care about anything but leaving a child outside in this weather?" she sighed and smile at the boy. Lloyd looked surprised at first, but didn't stop glaring at both of them. „what's your name kiddo?" Nya kneeled in front of him. Lloyd twitched and glanced a real quick at Kai before he answered. „Lloyd... Lloyd Garmadon.." he said and crossed his arms. She widened her blue eyes and turned to Kai. „Let me guess... Lord Garmadon is his father?" she raised her eyebrow annoyed. „Yeah. No surprise, huh?" Kai narrowed his eyes.

Lloyd looked between them and felt a little afraid. What will they do to him now? They both know he is a child of the villain... Maybe they will lock him up? Or chained him?! Or... „Hey kid, you okay?" he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked at the spiky hair man who helped him earlier. He was looking at him, worried with his amber eyes. But he couldn't let him manipulated him. „Why would you care?" he growled. „Maybe because you are trembling? And I am sure it's not cold anymore." He raised his eyebrow. Lloyd looked down. He was right.. it was really warm here. He couldn't lie on this one. „W.. will... you locked me up?..." he asked scared. Brunette widens eyes with his sister and startled yelled at the same time „What?! No! Why would we?!" Lloyd sighed in relief. This reaction was a good sign. „then why am I here?" he narrowed his eyes.

Kai had to take a deep breath to calm himself down before he answered. He couldn't believe it. He actually thought they will hurt him? God... what happened to him before he found him? „Because we will make sure that you will get something warm inside your belly. When you had your last meal?" he narrowed his eyes right back. Lloyd looked confused for a moment and answered „I think... 4 days? I am not really sure..." Nya gasped. „You ate 4 days ago?!" Lloyd only nodded. Kai started growling, and the boy flinched and stared at him. „I swear when I will see his father I will punch him." He promised with gritted teeth. Lloyd glared at him. But he didn't care. He just was so angry at his parents. Who in their right mind would leave their child like that? Oh right. Kai's and Nya's parents weren't any better. Kai sighed and made an eye contact with the small boy. „Well, shortie, we didn't tell you our names yet, right?" Lloyd simply nodded. „Okay.. well I am Kai Smith and this is.." Nya walked forward and grinned at Lloyd. „My name is Nya Smith. It's really nice to meet you, kiddo. I like your eyes. They are really cool." The small child blinked, surprised. „'s nice to meet you too.." he smiled a little. They knew he didn't trust them, but they were okay with it.

Nya then clapped her hands together. „Alright boys. Food will be ready soon, so make yourselves comfortable." And then she went to the kitchen. Kai chuckled and faced Lloyd. „Hope you don't mind soup. We don't really have that much food." He shrugged. Lloyd looked nervous. „No it's okay. But... why would you help me when you don't have that much anyway?" he asked, confused. Kai blinked. He couldn't help it, but Lloyd right now looked so innocent when he asked that. He wasn't really used to people helping him, huh? Brunette just sit down next to Lloyd and smirked at him. „And why would I not?" he challenged. The kid just blinked in surprise and tried to come up with an answer. He didn't really have a good job with that. Kai took a pity on him and with one hand hugged the kid around his shoulders. „Don't worry about it. It's no problem to share our food. I am working and Nya is going to school where she has food for free."

Lloyd flinched. He was really not used to people touching him without hurting him.. But it felt nice... Being in Kai's arms felt safe, so he simply cuddled to his side.

The brunette chuckled. „Don't you want to change from those clothes?" Lloyd looked at his cape and then at Kai. „Why? Is something wrong with it?" He blinked, confused. Kai raised eyebrow and showed Lloyd part of his clothes. Lloyd widened eyes. It was torn on the side. No wonder he was freezing. „B.. but I like this cape..." he mumbled, looking at his hands. Kai nodded. „Okay what about we will wash it and Nya can fix it later? How does that sound?" Lloyd grinned and faced him again. „Sure!" Brunete chuckled and stood up. „I'll go find some clothes that fit you then." And left.

Lloyd looked excitedly around the room. It was really nice here. But he can't bond with them. He knew they will send him away after they will help him. He sighed. Why it has to be so hard? Kai seemed angry when he heard about his feeding habits, but it wasn't enough to actually leave him here, right? Not that he wanted to stay here! No! He is the son of lord Garmadon! He can take care of himself just fine! Thank you very much! He will let them help him, but after that, he will be on his way.

Kai went to the kitchen. He had some small clothes from when he was a kid, so hopefully it will fit him. He smiles at Nya. „So... what do you think about him?" he leaned against the wall. Nya tasted her soup and smiled. It was probably ready. Then she faced her older brother. „He seems like a good kid. But he by his acting? Life didn't go easy on him, I can tell." Kai sighed. „Yeah... it sure didn't... and that's why I want to keep him." He crossed his arms. Nya looked at him unsurely „are you sure? You can get enough money for both of us, but with Lloyd?" She crossed her arms. „I know... it will be hard, but I can't just throw him out. And tell me who else would help him? You know who his father is. People are not very nice to a villain's child, right?" He raised his eyebrow. Nya thought for a moment. „I guess you're right. And I wouldn't mind to have and younger sibling." She smirked. Kai smirked back. „Good, so we will tell him at dinner. Deal?" Nya nodded with a thumbs up. Kai chuckled. „Okay now I should take him these clothes I promised him. By the way, his cape is kinda ruined. Do you think you can fix it after I will wash it?" he asked for a favor. „Of course." Nya nodded and turn back to cooking.

Kai walked back to the living room. And saw Lloyd looking at their old photos. He stepped forward and stood next to the kid. „Our parents left a really long time ago. That's why you don't see them in our new photos."

Lloyd jumped in surprise. When did he come? He was just like a ninja! Cool... „Oh... so... you are.." „like you? Yeah. But we were lucky enough to have each other." He looked sadly at him. But why? He was okay. He survived, didn't he?

Kai sighed. Lloyd didn't understand. „Here are the clothes. It's the only clothes I have close to your size so hopefully this is enough" He threw it to Lloyd who caught it with ease. He looked around. „Where can I change?" he asked. Kai pointed to his room. „There is my room. You can use it as a changing room." Lloyd grinned and ran into the mentioned room.

Nya walked into the living room „The dinner is ready."


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