Chapter 7

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The sound of burning forest was always a calming sound for him. Fire...such and interesting element with so much potential and yet for someone so important. He couldn't understand how can someone feel so safe around this element. He sure heard about much more dangerous elements than that but it depend on the fire holder.

They chuckled. Well, it sure be interesting to meet this fire holder. He is keen on finding out how different is this weakling and an excuse of the fire warrior.

They heard stories of famous fire holders through the centuries. Some of them were great warriors. They saved a lot of villages in their time. But this jerks always had the worst social talent. They were arrogant and rude and mean. He met one of them. He is happy that they are gone.

And the other ones like protectors but cowards. They hid in their homes and kept the villagers warm and safe. They laughed. They always were able to live to their thirties before they were killed in the sleep or humiliated and tortured in front of whole village and their family. They had the power to hurt and fight but the only thing they accomplished with this was nice little family, hideout and of course it didn't stay for long. Their enemies always took everything from them, and it slowly destroy them. They smirked. It was fun to watch. The pain... the destruction... the fire that just smothered and died. Such a shame.

Oh and of course the villains, like they said before fire is dangerous. And some the fire holders saw this and enjoyed showing their power through the years. Oh, it was very entertaining. The sound of screams of fear and cries of pain. They groaned in delight. The smell of burned blood was so delicious. The long pride of fire holders just shut down with the first villain that showed their power and how dangerous they can be. From that day nobody believed in the elemental masters of fire. And they got lost through the years and forgotten.


They growled. "WHAT" They yelled and turned to look at his loyal subject. The skeleton with four arms and red eyes. The creature made from the darkness of their prison.

They smirked when the creature flinched, and they fully turned to him. "Why are you here, Samukai? AND NOT OUTSIDE AND SPYING AS I TOLD YOU?!" They yelled and the place shook with their voice. The skeleton bowed a little and started to explain. "You told me to come when I get some useful information. And I have some." He spoke coldly but tried to fake his respect. They narrowed their eyes and laughed. "How could you possibly get some information in one day?" They laughed.

Samukai smirked evilly while they laughed. "They adopted your son, Lord Garmadon."

The shadow stopped and stared at him. "Where is his mother?" The skeleton shrugged. "I didn't see her anywhere. And my- I mean your subjects didn't see her either." Garmadon growled and grabbed him by his neck and picked him up in the air. "DID THEY HURTED HER?!" Samukai choked and rasped. "I listened to their conversation. He was abandoned in this Darkley's school. And they took him from the streets. He seems to be happy." He choked out.

Lord Garmadon widened his eyes and let go. Misako just left him in this stupid school. He must hear more. "Return there and gather more information. I want to know what they are doing to him in there. And find her. I want to know why she left Lloyd alone long enough to find new family."

Samukai stood up "Yes my lord." And left Garmadon to his thoughts.


Lloyd would be lying if he said he wasn't scared. The halls of school seemed so big. His claustrophobic mind kicked in. He took a deep breath and squeezed Kai's hand. Kai looked at him and smiled at him "It's okay, Butter cup. If anything happens Nya also goes to this school. She will make sure to keep an eye on you." Lloyd smiled back nervously and took a deep breath.

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