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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or their backstories. Also A/N, this is mainly based off of the show and not the book. Also, I changed some things to make the story more mine such as Matthias being alive and Nina never had jurda parem

"I will have you without armor, Kaz Brekker, or I will not have you at all."

It had been almost a year now that Inej Ghafa had left to be with her family and take down slaver ships. Those are the lines that have haunted Kaz since she left. He has not stopped thinking about her words since and has been working to improve himself. Not only for her, but for his brother and his life as well. He's made a good bit of progress, too. He no longer flinches when strangers brush up against him on the street, he lets his close friends touch him more than usual, and he has been working to be more open about his past. Unfortunately, he still keeps layers upon layers of cloth between him and others, but hopefully, when Inej returns, Kaz will be ready to give her his all.

Though Inej had written a letter about two months ago that she had successfully located and found her family, they have not heard from her since. Until today.

Kaz walks down the stairs of the house, nicknamed Crow Manor, that Kaz and his fellow crows had bought with some of the money from King Nickolai had given them. Him, Jesper, Wylan, Nina, and Matthias now all live together in the mansion. They felt like they needed to get away from the Slat, and have their own mini family who just happens to be a part of a large gang.

He finds Nina and Jesper sitting at the table, eating waffles and giving each other flirting advice. Kaz rolls his eyes and continued towards the front door to check for mail. They usually don't get anything, but Kaz checks every day for a letter from Inej. He opens the door and sees a singular envelope sitting on the steps. Trying not to get his hopes up, he picks it up casually and attempts to convince himself it's just spam, but his longing for her gets the better of him. He opens it eagerly and reads.

"Dear my beloved Crows,
I have spent the most wonderful of times with my family in Ravka. I had been trying to convince them to move to Ketterdam, but we all agree it's still a dangerous place. However, they agreed to hopefully move there in the spring. The good news is, I will be moving back to Ketterdam in a few weeks! Though by the time you get this I'll probably be there in a few days. I can't wait to see you all!
           Inej Ghafa

Kaz is shocked. Excitement runs a marathon through his heart, but another part of him is worried, because he's not ready. He limps back inside quickly and slaps the letter down onto the table, where Wylan and Matthias are also now sitting.

"Read." Kaz says simply. Wylan looks down at his feet and Jesper takes the letter and reads it out loud for everyone. A few seconds of silence goes by when he is done. Then, Jesper bursts out into a joyous laughter.

"She's coming back! Inej is coming back!" Everyone erupts into smiles and embraces. Even Kaz. Jesper turns to hug him and Kaz is so overwhelmed with a long forgotten joy that he lets him. Inej Ghafa is coming back to Ketterdam. Coming back to him.

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