Chapter one

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Scaramouches POV

The vision hunt decree was gaining more power over the people for each day that went. It felt odd really, seeing my mother caring about something like it was her child, eternity.
I had not been back to Inazuma for years and I can still feel the anger that I was the one having to take this job. It had not been a hard task, surely something even tartaglia would be able to accomplish without making a fool of himself.

I was now standing behind a wall. A wall that on the other side had my mother, stealing yet another vision. I knew she would never dare to take mine, and she didn't need to either since I wasn't one of her people, so I couldn't care less about if these pathetic humans lost their visions. I was unsure if I wanted to approach her or if I should just leave the city since there was nothing else to do here really. My work was done and I was free until I got another job from the Tsaritsa.

I turned around, ready to leave as a guard took my arm, probably thinking I was escaping the vision hunt decree. I could take him down easily, but maybe it would be even more fun if he thought he had succeeded before I crushed him under my shoe"

"I've found another one, he was hiding behind that wall" the guard said loudly to everyone in the arena. This caught Ei's attention enough to turn around. She looked at me with no emotion in her expression and simply walked up to me. Behind her was a guy, pinned down to the ground by two guards. The guy has white hair with a red stripe in it and an Anemo vision hanging off his shoulder.

"Hello mother" I said through a heartless grin. She looked at my face as if she was looking at nothing at all.
"I have no interest in this doll, let it go" the guard looked confused.
"But almighty-"
"I said let it go" she said in a stern voice making the guards obey like little stupidly loyal puppies.
It she had said. It became I am no human.

"Leave" she spoke, once again lacking emotion.
"Oh mother, is that really a way to approach your own creation" I took a step closer so her.

Behind her the situation had caught the attention of the whole arena, even the guards who was holding that white haired guy to the ground, resulting in him being able to knock them down and use his Anemo powers to get high enough into the sky so he could escape past the tall walls of the arena. Guess it was his lucky day.

"You seem to have lost control mother, look behind you" she quickly turned around and saw how the boy had escaped.

"You" Her eyes changed color from dark purple to the color of death itself. I was not scared, to be scared I need emotion, and I don't posses that.

"It was truly a delight seeing you mother, til we meet again" I turned around and left the arena, kind of expecting the archon to stand right in front of me when I approached the gate, but no. There was no desire in her to lay energy on something like me.

I walked slowly through the city as all the eyes of the citizen who had witnessed the incident was on me. Fear, anger, curiosity, so many human feelings in the air. Pathetic.

As I entered Ritou I thought about the encounter with my mother. At least I was able to ruin her day just a little bit.

If I left now I'm sure there would be a new job waiting for me. I was often chosen for a lot of tasks since I didn't really need a lot to function.
I didn't need to eat, sleep, or take breaks. I only ate when it was free and only slept when I wanted time to pass. The lacking of emotion in my words and actions were surprisingly something that seemed to be an inconvenience to me more then it helped. To get someone to trust me was the most difficult part. The fatui was easy, I only had to show myself useful, but when it came to making others think I was trustworthy, which a lot of times were required in tasks, I most often had to show some form of empathy, which I did not have. Who would trust that i would do as I say when I have no reason to.
I mostly work alone too. The others are always worried that I would throw them under the bus the second we encounter some kind of difficulty, which of course is true, but so would any one of them. I truly doubt anyone cares about what doesn't benefit them.

Behind a wall near the docks was the boy again, resting his head agains the wall as he sat on the ground. Only a human would be so foolish not to leave this place right after an encounter like that. His eyes wandered around as they stopped on me. I was expecting him to stand up and run in the other direction or maybe at least show some panic, but no, the boy smiled to himself as he returned his eyes to the rest of the city. Ungrateful human.

A big ship was entering the dock and not more then 2 seconds later the boy was calmly walking towards the ship as a woman, presumably the captain, met him halfway and gave the boy a hug as they both smiled. She was taller then him and also looked to be a bit older. She spoke to him, though I could not make out a lot that she was saying, except for a name that I assumed belonged to the boy, kazuha.


No idea where I'm going with this but I kinda wanted to start writing a fanfic so here is the start.

I haven't written anything in a long time so the writing might suck a bit but It'll get better (probably)

Anyways thank you for reading and have a good day (or bad one if u want)

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