Chapter two

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Kazuhas POV

I jumped onto the crux as the wind hit my face. Today I was going to die, but I didn't. I would lie if I said that hearing that the electro archon herself had a son didn't surprise me. They definitely didn't seem to be very fond of each other.

Beidou entered the ship right after me. She didn't know how close I was to death and there was no reason telling her.
"Did you know the electro archon had a son?" I looked at beidou as she raised her eyebrows.
"What?! She has a son?" I nodded and she let out a little laugh.
"I did not expect her to be the family person"
"They seemed to be the furthest thing from family I've seen" I said. She took my shoulder and hugged be from the side as we looked over Inazuma.
"Sucks to be her" I laughed a bit, happy to be back on the crux with beidou. She was the closest thing to a family I had.
"How did you even find this out?" Beidou asked as she looked down on me.
I didn't move my gaze from the city as I responded.
"I saw him with my own eyes" there was no response coming from beidou so I continued "she called him a doll" she looked at me confused.
"A doll? She has a son that is a doll?" I nodded "did you hit your head on your way here kazuha" she laughed while saying and I also let out a little laugh "actually not"

The ship started moving from the dock and out to the sea. Beidou had returned to the crew to steer the ship out to its next destination.
I stood and looked out over the water, realizing how much I had missed it even for the short time I had been away. Inazuma was no longer my home and I don't know if I could ever really return. The thought didn't make me as sad as I thought it would, as I had already lost what made this place so special to me. Who made this place so special.
Sadness came to me at the thoughts of my best friend, but it was not a bad sadness. It was a welcomed sadness, because it meant I had lost something meaningful enough for grief.
I smiled at the memories that I also cried over. And that was okay. 

"How does liyue sound?" Beidou said as she approached me. "Anything sounds good right now" I said. Though I was sure interested in knowing what was going on with the archon and her son I'm sure it's not worth to die over.

"How did you manage not to get caught? There are posters of you all over the streets" Beidou said as she probably was just trying to make conversation.
"Are you doubting my ability's Beidou?" I smiled and looked at her.
"Of course not" she laughed "but seriously, I'm curious" I let out a breath and answered her question honestly "I did not" her eyes widened
"You got caught?" "I did" I responded and a worried look took over her face "how did you manage to escape? Why didn't you tell me right away?" I calmly said "it no longer matters" and went back to looking out at the sea, not seeing the meaning in thinking about what could have happened when it's all the past now.

We arrived at liyue and the familiar land of contracts. It was not too long ago I had been here but i still missed it.

I left the boat and wondered what I would do with my freedom now that there was no one trying to steal my vision.
The city was lively as ever and I breathed in the air.
Not too long ago the city had lost its archon, Rex lapis, on the same day as the rite of descension.
I was not in liyue at the time but the news spread quickly and took us all a bit off guard.
Now it's the Qixing that's taking care of the city, even if the adepti's are still watching over the city.
I'm familiar with the qixing leader, Ningguang, since her and Beidou has some history together. Sometimes when Beidou drinks a little too much she starts talking about how they were together but I'm not sure what to make out of it.

I didn't know all that many people in liyue even though I had been here a lot in the past. I did spot one familiar face though.

"Madam ping" I approached the old lady that on some occasions had invited me for tea.
"Kazuha, what brings you to liyue?" She said with a smile as she was looking at the glaze lilies that grew around the city.
"It's a beautiful city" I answered not wanting to trouble the old lady with my problems back in Inazuma.
"So it has nothing to do with the things going on in Inazuma then?" So she did know "I might be old but word still goes around all of teyvat" she let out a little laugh, the ones old people always do. "Even so it is a beautiful city" I said and she agreed "it sure is"

(I love madam ping had to involve her one way or another 😩😩)

"I'm sure there are more interesting things to do for someone your age here then talking to an old lady" madam ping said and I smiled at her
"It was nice meeting you again" I said and she replied the same back.

I then continued my way through the city ones ruled by the geo archon.


I love madam ping😭😭

Anyways. This was the second chapter. I didn't really know what to write so it might suck idk

Well thank you for reading have a great day (or a horrible one idk)

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