• two •

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Note: Gay characters will be mentioned further ahead into this chapter, actually this entire book. If you're homophobic to the door you go 👉🏾🚪

 If you're homophobic to the door you go 👉🏾🚪__________________________________

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I TOOK A PICTURE OF THE ORANGEY SKY, admiring the beauty of the universe. I sat alone at the park humming softly as I wrote in my journal.

' beauty comes in many forms '
I wrote.

I continued humming as I wrote, completely blocking out the voices of others around me. My feet swung back & forth, the laces of my converses slowly untying.

I sighed.

I set my journal aside & bent forward untying my laces fully before tying the laces, then double tying.

I sat back up & grabbed my journal continuing to write as I was doing before.

Suddenly I felt multiple gazes on me, but I chose to ignore them. Although I ignored their gazes, my heart beat quickened & I chewed on the inside of my cheek.

Luckily, I have a pocket knife in my bag.

My eyes remained on my journal, but I could feel them coming closer. I shut my journal & sighed.

"Hey pretty girl." A deep male voice spoke up & I nervously rose my head looking at the 6 guys standing in front of me.

The one in front of me smiled & waved his hand, I did the same.

He's fine as hell.

His caramel brown skin glowed in the sun & his hazel eyes glistened. His hair is braided into 6 cornrows & I could tell he had recently gotten a lineup along with a taper fade.

"Hi." I said barely above a whisper & he smiled.

He then took it upon himself to sit beside me on the bench & I mentally cursed. The others remained standing, but they stared at me intensely making me look down at my feet.

"I'm Luciano." He introduced himself as he extended his hand gesturing me to take.

"Oh." That was all I said & earned chuckles from them.

I put my hand in his big warm one & he shook my hand softly. I pulled my hand away & placed my hand on my lap avoiding eye contact.

"Eboni." I whispered & he grinned.

I desperately wanted to leave. I couldn't walk away though, because there's 5 ninja turtles in front of me blocking my way of exit & another one beside me.

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