• eighteen •

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I RAN AROUND THE COURT dribbling the basketball, attempting to block Emilio's long arm from reaching & taking the ball from me. Zuri, Mariano, baby Rylee & Geo sat on the grass eating watermelon watching as we played.

I attempted to shoot the ball into the hoop, but he blocked my shot again & I groaned in annoyance, this was the 9th time getting my shot blocked by him.

"You're cheating!" I shouted at him & he laughed beautifully.

"How?" He tilted his head to the side & looked at me with a cocked eyebrow. I stammered over my words trying to come up with an answer.

"Is it because I'm black hm? You can't block my shot!" I said using my race as an excuse again.

"Here we go again with this ' is it because I'm black ' shit." He laughed & I nodded in agreement.

"No because is it?" I questioned & he shook his head laughing. He handed me the ball & poked my cheek before jogging to the other end of the court.

I cocked an eyebrow & he nodded his head at me allowing me to shoot the ball into the hoop.

"Go ahead." He said placing his hands on either side of his hips watching me carefully. I smiled & tossed the ball, the ball going smoothly into the hoop.

"Yes!" I squealed. I pumped my fists in the air & he laughed at my ridiculous act.

Emilio & I had built a bond over the past months, which was chaotic but pure at the same time. He's surprisingly really nice to me & very over protective.

I ran after the ball that rolled away & grabbed it before it went into the bushes. I tiredly walked over to where everyone sat & sat beside them, exhausted.

Geo wrapped his arms around me & pulled me onto his lap making me straddle him, my legs being on either side of him. I just laid my head on his shoulder & smiled, breathing heavily as he rubbed my back.

"Ew maggots." Zuri gagged & I laughed.

"I say that!" Geo said flicking Zuri's bottom lip & she winced.

"Ow bitch!" Zuri held onto her lip & glared at Geo.

"Zuri." Mariano said & she quietly apologized remembering baby Rylee was here.

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