Interlude One

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Hey. It's me. The Author. If I could, I would put the font to Comic Sans to clearly differentiate between this note and the real story.

Look, to those who are reading this (AKA, nobody), I'm going to be going on a brief hiatus. Not an offline thing, but with this story. Just gotta get a bit more of a diverse portfolio.

I estimate it will be around one week in length. Nothing much, really, since I'll still be writing. Just...look at the other thing I am writing after this, yeah? It will be romance. A surely interesting thing to write about, given how I have never even been kissed.

MAYBE I'll do a story recap after this. Just a 'Previously on...' sort of thing. Who knows? Maybe I'll find the talent to help draw up some people for me, and you can finally see the characters in the picture, not just the written word. Don't hold your breath though.

Anyways, just letting anyone who is reading this travesty of writing about my hiatus. When I come back, who knows? Maybe things will get better.

Probably not though, lol.

Now, onto the main meat of this Interlude. Covering some of the big stuff about the story.

Call it an excuse, because it is, but I'm going to try and wipe the slate clean after this. We'll just ahead by a few years, to where all of the characters are young adults. That's when the real adventure stuff will begin. Sorry it took so long, I had other hopes in store for this story. No issue though. The Slate will be wiped clean, as I said, so everyone will be...

Actually? You know what? I think I'll just reset everything. Try again, you know? I'll get things right next time. I think that I'll stick around for a while longer. I am a benevolent god, after all. 

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