Chapter 10

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"I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I even more" -Angelita Lim

Kaylee's POV

The first thing I thought about this morning wasn't Ash but what the girls said last night. I got up from my bed and got ready for the day. I quickly grabbed my things and left.
    I walked to the cafe that I always go to and got my coffee. And walked to the school.
    "How was the date yesterday" Alyssa said while she was walking into my room. "It was ok" she handed me a breakfast sandwich. "Just ok" I opened it and took a bit and then nodded.
    "It was going good until-" I didn't finish my sentence. "Until what, did he hurt you" I shook my head. "Then what" I looked up at her. I placed down the sandwich.
    "There was these girls and they were saying bad stuff about me" she grabbed a chair and sat down. "You are not letting them get to your head right" I shook my head. I was trying not to at least.
    "You shouldn't they are just jealous" she said. I checked the time in my phone. "The kids would be coming any minute" she placed the chair back where she got it from. "Ok we will talk about this later" she walked to the door. "I know we will" she shut the door.
    And we did talk about it that night at home.

Ash's POV

I was so mad this morning that I couldn't take my kids to school so I asked Nathan to do it. I wasn't planning on going to work today but I had to.
    When I got to work I parked my car in the garage and went to the elevator. I pressed the button to the very top floor. The elevator stopped on the ground floor.
    I moved to the side so the person could walk in. I gave them a quick glance at them and then looked away. "Hey" she said. I didn't say anything. The elevator stopped again and she got out. She gave me a quick glance and then walked away.
    I pressed the button to close the door and the elevator went up again. When I got to the floor where my office was I got out.
    Everybody stood up and watched me walk to my office. My secretary Suzy wasn't here yet so I sat and waited for her to walk into my office.
After about an hour she finally walked though my office door. "I thought you wasn't coming today" she walked to my desk. "I want you to bring those people you went out with dinner last night"
She gave me a confused look. "Why" I looked up at her. "I don't have to tell you why I just want you to bring them" she turned away and walked out of my office.
After about a few minutes she brought the three girls that was with her. "You needed us" the other two said in unison.
"Did y'all talk bad about a person yesterday" they looked at each other. "How did—" I brought my hand up to stop them. "It doesn't matter if I know her or not, you shouldn't talk bad about people" they looked down.
"Y'all are fired" they looked back at me. "You shouldn't talk bad about the girls I like" Suzy looked at me. "You like her"
"Yes and is there a problem" she shook her head. "Ok y'all can leave" they still stood there. "Go" that's when they finally left.
When they walked out the door Nathan was standing there. He looked at them walk away while he walked into my office. "What happened" he said as he sat down in the chair in front of me.
"They were talking about Kaylee" I said. "You did the right thing, firing them"
I got up and picked up my phone. "Let's go, I want to bed" he got up from his chair and we left.
When we got to my car we saw Suzy. She looked up at us and moved off my car. "You want me to stay" I shook my head. "No, it's fine"
He walked to his car while I walked over to Suzy. "Can you please give me another chance" she said once I stepped in front of her.
"I can't" she started getting angry. "You care more about a girl who you met only a month ago over me who had worked for you for 2 years" she started tearing up.
"You was nothing more than a coworker" I said. "I liked you, I probably like you more than she does you" now it was my time to get angry.
"I told you to not talk bad about her" she rolled her eyes. "Just wait she will use you for your money and then leave" I grabbed her arm and pushed her off my car.
"You don't know her" she pulled her arm away. "And don't talk about her ever again. I don't want to see you either, now get out of my property" She stomped away.
When I got home it was time for the kids to get off of school. Nathan decided to pick them up for me while I took a shower.
I hit my hand on the shower wall and rested it on as well. I kept hitting my hand in the same spot. When I was done blood was running down the wall with the water.
I decided to finish my shower and fix my hand before the kids get home.
I finished wrapping my hand when the kids barged through the door. I quickly put the first ad kit under my bed. "Daddy" they jumped on me.
"How was school" I was finally able to say when they stopped. "It was so fun, we made art, you want to see" they jumped off me and ran out the room.
When they came back they handed me all the art they made. I looked through them one by one. "Kaylee said ours were the best out of all the kids" Lily said.
"She probably right" Like grabbed my hand. "What happened" I looked at my hand. "Nothing, why don't y'all put your stuff up" I handed them there drawings and they ran away.
"You did it again didn't you" I looked up at Nathan. "What" I said. "You did the same thing when you found out Lindsay died" I shook my head. "Please don't"
He sat down beside me. "If you want things between you and Kaylee to work out you are going to have to tell her" I looked over at him. "I know, I need some time"
He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me towards him. "I love you big brother"
"Well I don't" we both laughed.

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