Mamono's Folly Part 1

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The Imperial Palace. The center of the Imperium's administration and governance is closely watched by the seeing eyes of the Emperor of man. It is also the home of the imperial royal family, Home for the Emperor of mankind and his loyal sons, many of the imperium's most important discussions and decisions are made and held within one of its many rooms. One of the said meetings is currently being held by the royal family, Called by the Emperor and his sons discussing a certain attack on the palace through a certain warp gate the arguments between 20 brothers are not uncommon amongst the more liberal siblings and the conservative siblings "What is there to be talked about!? they attacked our homes while we were celebrating our victory over the primordial annihilator! we must strike back!" Yelled Tyric Baldurson Primarch of the VIth legion, The Beast Hunters, Tyric had always been stubborn with his ideologies, Even during the Great Crusade he often left planets ruined rather than compliant, this, of course, put him against Magnus the XVth Primarch, master of the Arcanist legion Who was more liberal with his views "We do not know what lies behind that warp gate, for all we know we could be sending our sons and good imperial soldiers to their doom" retorted Magnus with a much calmer voice compared to his older brother "HAH the so-called master of the warp do not know what lies within his jurisdiction" Mocked Tyric, this caused great anger within Magnus "The warp is an infinite space brother with infinite possibilities, Literally anything could be behind that gate! if you bother to study my research and actually step foot within my black library, you would know that!" The brothers gave each other a death stare that could melt adamantium if it was a little bit more intense

The Primarchs little Shouting match was interrupted as the door leading into the Amphitheatre Where the meeting was held opened and stepped through it was the Imperator himself, The master of mankind, The emperor had finally arrived to officially start the family meeting, "Welcome Father. you are quite late," Remarked Eddard Fendragon, The firstborn son of the emperor and Primarch of the Black Knights, "Governing the Imperium surprisingly took most of my time sons" Replied the emperor as he waltzed past his sons to take his seat at the very end of the room in the middle where he can easily be heard by his sons "Now, I figured that you all know why I call this meeting?" The emperor began his remark "Yes Father, To discuss what action should we take after the attempted invasion of the imperial palace" said Iskandar Basileus, Third born son of the emperor and Primarch of the Pheonix Blades "Correct" Said the emperor "I have already discussed the matter with the high lords and the Astra Militarum and the Imperial Armada are both ready to move when the word is given, May I ask... what is the status of our little warp gate?" The emperor Remarked "Well Lord General Lucia Blackwood of the 33rd Infantry regiment for the Lucifer Blacks had already Contained and Quarantined the portal and the few streets surrounding it and my sons had already set up light fortifications around the quarantine zone and the Local Arbites companies are working hard in arresting and interrogating the leftover stragglers from the invasion" Said Rogal Mauer Seventh son of the emperor and Primarch of the Solar Wardens, The emperor rubbed his clean-shaven chin before saying "Well what information that we do know now?" Rogal leaned forward before saying "Well Thankfully we don't have to result in the borderline cruel torture methods suggested by Konrad and his legion" Remarking the VIIIth Legion's affinity for cruel Justice "But Either Way through Threats, persuasion, and Research done to the samples taken from the prisoners we do have an idea now on what is like on the other side of that gate"

"What!" Suddenly yelled Magnus as he stood up from his seat "Why have I not been told about this!?" Questioned Magnus "You just did," said a different voice, The voice belonged to Octaviar Perturabo Fourth born and the Primarch of the Steel Wardens, "Well?" Asked the Emperor "What is on the other side of the gate?" At that moment Konrad took a deep sigh "Well father, The results from the Bio Magos shows that these... uh... "Daemons?" for the lack of better wording are not True Daemons at all at least not the ones we have captured, Lab results show that their Genetic structure is quite similar to humans But their Genetics have been Spliced More likely artificially by an outside force" Explained Konrad "So they are Ab-humans?" Asked Tyric "The answer is Yes. and No" Answered Konrad "The Genetic Imprints are very complicated and it is not in my expertise so I've brought a Magos from the Bio labs to explain it to us," Explained the Eighth Primarch, and as he said that a man wearing Red Robes enters the room through one of the many side doors made for mortal humans "Greetings My Primarchs" greet the Magos With a semi-mechanical voice, the Magos is different from any other who held the same title, for instance, his body is much more human in proportions if not taller than the average man at 2.4 Meters (Thats around 7.8 in freedom units) in height Despite this unnatural height he is still not reaching the height of the smallest Primarchs, the 20th sons Alpharius and Omeagon whom both is 4 Meters (Thats 10 feet in freedom units) in height. His body is also not Mechanical in nature and keeps the familiar humanoid shape quite the contrast when compared to many within the Adeptus Mechanicus if viewed from afar but once you have taken a closer look.

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