Claiming New Properties

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Lord Commissar Thawn is currently sitting in an Interrogation room with someone, Someone he did not recognized at first. Thawn sat across from said person his eyes never strays away from looking at them, his gaze into the person is so hard it could have burn a hole through said person's head, Thawn began to recollect on how he get into this situation in the first place.


Lord Commissar Thawn is watching over the deployment of Prefab buildings by the Lucifer Blacks engineers, He continued to patrol and observe over Dozens of platoons of soldiers all standing in formation as they stand in front of the Hab-blocks that had been finish construction for some abstract reasons he liked to keep to himself, as an avid member of the commissariat a political agent that is evolved from the Solar Auxillia's Discipline masters He is well verse in everything needed to lead men and women into battle, balanced use of intimidation and inspiration, and Enforcing the Imperial truth throughout the Imperial army. Due to this he expected total perfection and discipline throughout the ranks he has been assigned too. and as expected of the Lucifer blacks, his expectations is met. "At ease and dismiss" said Thawn as he allowed his troops to return to their assigned activities, soldiers are allowed to patrol, engineers are returning maintaining their assigned platoon's gear and enginseers are allowed to lead the construction of more facilities, throughout the weeks, the outpost had really expanded resembling a small city with habitations for the "Refugees", Some General shops for the people inside and due to the imperium wanting to colonize the world a new currency system is also made called "seals", Multiple Services Provided by the wider imperium, It would still took years to effectively colonize the planet and turn it into a fully self-sustaining imperial world

But the outpost is a start, As the Soldiers are going back to their assigned tasks he noticed a winged blonde woman Looking confused in front of a recently finished Hab-block, Now The Commissar is not an Iterator corps member but the least he could do is introduce her to imperial systems, so he decided to approach her, "Hey you!" yelled Thawn as he make his way to the Woman "Salutations Civilian" Said Thawn as the Woman Meekly Turned to face him, Compared to the Woman, Thawn's Height towering over her as he would have to tilt her head up to even look him in the eyes "Is there a problem?" Asked Thawn "I.... Seems to be a little lost" Replied the woman "I was told to go to my assigned room but... i do not know where that is" She continued with her soft sultry voice, "Can I see you paperwork?" Thawn ask again "Paperwork?" The woman replied, Knowing well what that question means Thawn took a deep breath and a long sigh "Very well then come follow me" He told the woman. As they make their way through the outpost Thawn walks the woman towards a large government building as he opened the door for her "After you Civilian" Said Thawn "Thank you sir.." Replied the woman, The two of them entered the building, The Building was huge with many people working within it, Serfs and other menials moves around to tend to the assigned Duties as Thawne Escort the woman to one of the Serfs working there, "Hello! Welcome to the Adeptus Administratum Outreach office, can i help you two?" She asked with a practiced sweet honeyed voice, "yes this native female wished to be registered as an Imperial Citizen" Said The Commissar as Druella gave the serf a shy smile.

"Very well does she have the required paperwork?" asked the serf as Druella shook her head "alright" she says as she moves to grab something from a nearby desk, as she begin to walk towards the two it is shown to be a piece of paper, when she arrived she slit the paper through the glass separating two from the serf "Here is the paperwork, usually the process would take multiple interviews and evaluation however under the emperor's command, he wished that this planet's intergration into the imperium be sped up" explained the serf, answering Commissar Thawn's Question even before he could asked it "Oh how lucky" Commented Thawn "You may use the Desks provided to fill the form and you may bring it back to me once you are finished" Said the serf as she continues her work from her desktop Cogitator, The two move towards one of many rows of desks provided as Druella begins Filling it the form Luckily, the form is written with the local language of the planet to make it easier for the natives, as Commissar Thawn Glanced at her form he read the word under the Name section "Druella...?" he thought "Where have I heard of that name?" his thoughts continue as he recall a very specific memory of one of the reports from imperial interrogation of the captured enemy forces "Hands in the air!" He yelled as he pulls out his Bolt Pistol and aims it at Druella's head "What! Why!?" she asked as she feels the weapon pressed against her head as she raises her hands "Command This is Commissar Thawne, I have captured a suspected enemy leader, requesting backup and a set of restraints" He said to his Beads a small Communications device issued to all imperial military members that fits inside the human ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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