Chapter 1; Convenience Store

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————————15th of September————————

I am alone.  I've always been. No one really stood by my side these past nineteen years. Maybe it was my fault, but I don't know what I did wrong. My parents hate me, classmates find me weird. Am I too arrogant? Am I too obsessive? Am I just too much? I don't know. If someone could just tell me what was wrong with me, I could solve it! But no, they all have to lie and pretend and confuse me. They are all weird and fuck I don't know myself anymore. I don't know what's happening and I feel very weird. Why did he have to say that? Why did he have to do that? Why did he pretend? Just why.
If only I didn't meet him that day, the 24th of August, my life wouldn't be such a mess. Just please come back to me and tell me why. Please, I'm begging you.

Come back.

————-————24th of August————————-

I started my day calmly, it was just a regular Friday morning. I woke up, got dressed and went to school. I kept attention in class, finished all my assignments and did my best to talk to some classmates. Maybe I did such my best, because it would be my last day here. My last day living such a lonely life. Last day without friends, so why not talk to some people. They'll atleast remember something like: ''Did you know that I actually talked to Katsuki on his last day?'' Ah, who am I kidding, they'll definitely forget. They probably ask who Bakugou Katsuki was and maybe some will be like: ''Oh, that was that quiet kid who always sat in the corner and didn't talk much.'' Or they just won't say anything. Not like I care, I also do not know them. So is there really a reason to care? Don't think so. And this isn't about them, it's about me. It's all about me for once in my life. When I got home I turned on the radio and stared into the distance. 'Is this really my destiny? Do I have to end it here? Geez, why do I even bother to ask, I can't live like this and it's not like I have a better idea. Do I?' That was how the thoughts were running through my head for about two hours. I was being too much of a coward to just get it over with. When I realized that, I immediately went to the convenience store and bought some beer. The cashier smiled at me when I payed. He had red, spiky hair and a bright smile. His teeth were very white, I remember being pretty impressed by that. 'Have a nice evening and I hope you enjoy!' Those were the last words I received that day.
When I arrived home, I opened my door and chugged a beer before even properly entering my apartment. I plopped onto the couch and chugged another beer. 'This is what I need right now' were my thoughts at the moment. No one would think that the real thing I needed would come to me later.
After a few beers I looked outside my window. I glanced at my watch, 11.47 pm, and looked outside again. It was time. I walked in a trance towards my door and put on my shoes. While tying my shoelaces I could feel the alcohol taking over my mind. I went out and walked towards the so called 'Rainbow Bridge'. Somehow I thought it would be a good idea to move to Tokyo. That's probably one of the reasons my parents don't believe in me anymore, but hey; at least I live far away from them. I snickered at the thought, now obviously acting drunk. When I arrived at the bridge, I noticed there were barely any cars there. I glanced at my watch, 00.27 am. 'Ahhhh fuckkkk, I was supposed to die yesterday' I pouted and got closer the the railing. I looked at the beauty of the water below me. I turned and watch behind me. That's why they call it the Rainbow Bridge. The lights of the bridge changed colors in a steady tempo. I turned to watch the water again. It was flowing so peacefully. So calm, so magical. It was almost as if the water was glowing and I felt even more attracted to it. That's why I stepped over the railing, but still held onto it tight when I was at the other side. Behind me were a few cars speeding by and before me was the magic water. One step and I would be falling. One step and my suffering would end. One step....

I think that was the moment I started to sober up. I started to think about the things I've done when I was younger and the things I never was able to do. I thought about my parents, about my childhood dog, about my sweet grandma. I thought how she would be so confused if her grandson won't be attending to her birthday. One tear slipped away. 'No, refrain yourself, you've gotta do this. Look at the way you're living, you stupid fuck.' Encouraging thoughts, weren't they? I thought about how I bullied other children when I was younger, about that that was the reason no-one wanted to be friends with me anymore. I thought about the things I wanted to do. About how I wanted to make at least one friend, about how I wanted to have fun, about how I wanted someone. Just someone who loved me. One person.
Another tear rolled down my cheek. I had to jump now. Now was the right moment. I had thought about everything that was needed, I have to end my journey here. I was ready to let go, ready to jump. I wanted to let go, wanted to jump. But when I felt my hand release the railing I had been holding so tight, my knuckles turned white, I felt a tender hand grasping mine. My eyes were closed and I was prepared to feel the water hit my body. It never happend. I opened my eyes and quickly turned around, only just realizing someone was holding my wrist with a firm grip. My eyes searched the ones of the other and when our eyes met, I cried. Beautiful green eyes stared right into my soul. They weren't just green eyes. They were all different shades of green. They were the most unique, promising, caring eyes that ever looked at me. They matched with his wavy, dark-green hair. The rest of his face was covered with a thousand freckles and a soft smile. "Are you lonely?" Were the first three words the boy asked me. The tender boy that appeared when I was about to end it all. I still don't really know if I cried because of the way he looked at me, the words he said or the fact someone cared about me. Maybe it was all three of them, maybe it wasn't a totally other reason. Thick tears kept rolling down and I slowly nodded, answering his question. "Hm" He made a understanding grunt, "Well, let's first get away from this place, shall we?" He smiled softly. 'Oh yeah, shit. I'm still at the edge of a bridge.' I nodded again and climbed over the railing, feeling steady concrete below my feet. Suddenly I felt relieved, I was glad I didn't jump. I looked before me and the boy was leading me somewhere, not letting go of my wrist. I was so grateful for him, he saved my life. He was my savior, my hero.

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