Chapter 6; Mr. Forgettable

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The kiss ended up with me and Deku laying naked next to each other in bed. His little pants were incredibly cute and the sight of him curled up into my chest was adorable. I stroked those green curls while calming down from the event of before. The moment was quiet, peaceful. Just me and my Deku and no-one else. I remember laying in this bed countless amount of times, staring up the ceiling and thinking about why I should just quit. But then my eyes found something else to stare at, something way more beautiful, something that I wanted to adore the rest of my life.
While getting lost in my thoughts, Deku stirred and turned his body so that he could face me, his chin on my chest. ''Wanna go outside?'' He whispered with an adventurous tone. It was such a normal question, but it seemed like something magical when it came out of his mouth. His eyes sparkled and I felt like he was luring me into something. ''Let's go.'' I whispered back with a smile, slowly getting up and he laughed, getting off of me to grab his clothes. Even though I missed his warm body against mine, I didn't mind since going outside at 11.30 pm made him so incredibly happy. I didn't need to know the reason, I would do anything to see that sparkle and that big smile.
I was already putting my shoes on, while Deku was still upstairs. When I was ready to head out, Deku stood infront of me with my new green hoodie on. It looked adorable on him, way too big, he was literally drowning in it. But he also looked stunning, he just did. Like he came out of a movie or something. He smirked, noticing I was staring and grabbed his coat. ''Ready to go, Kacchan?'' ''Born ready, Deku.'' I said, but before he could head out, I grabbed his wrist, turning him around and placing a tender kiss on his lips. When I pulled away, his cheeks were rozy and he hid his face into his scarf. I laughed, opened the door, intwined our hands and stepped into the night.

We walked around for a few minutes, walking past the convenience store were we talked for the first time. Eijiro wasn't working right now, the store was closed. The sweet memory of meeting the red-haired dude there flooded into my brain. I smiled to myself and Deku sqeeuzed my hand, signaling he was happy for me that I met such an amazing person. We talked and joked around, until we arrived at the place I saw Deku for the first time. The bridge, Rainbow Bridge to be exact. We walked until we were at the railing, looking over the water below us. I thought about how he saved me, how I could have ended up differently. How lucky I was that he was there at that time. How incredibly lucky. While thinking back I looked at Deku and suddenly pulled him into a kiss. He laughed, asking why I did that. ''Felt like it.'' I smiled down at the I was sure to be the love of my life. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him, wanted to marry him, wanted to make love as many times possible. I loved him, dearly. And I sensed that he loved me the same. I pulled him into a tight hug, not wanting for him to see the tears that had formed in my eyes. I wanted him to see me strong, not weak. Even though he already had, I wanted to for him to see how strong I've become. Just for him.

''I think it's time for me to go.'' Deku said after he pulled back and rested his elbows on the railing, looking over the water. I looked at him and smiled. ''Don't you want to spend the night at mine tonight? It's probably closer and I would lov-'' Deku started laughing, cutting og my sentence. ''Oh Kacchan...'' He sighed after his laughter. Then he turned to me and cupped my cheeks. ''I have to go, go. You know?'' I looked at him with confused eyes, tilting my head a bit as I really didn't understand what he meant. He smiled again, those pretty green eyes looking into mine. ''You didn't forget did you? Should I call you Mr. Forgettable hencheforth?''

Suddenly I felt my eyes turn big. The world fell silent. I didn't see anything but a flash infront of me. I could hear my heart beating loudly in my chest. It felt like a string finally snapped. A memory came to mind. A memory I didn't know I had. It was me, searching around an unfamiliar house. Mumbling where the hell my keys were. I looked in every drawer, on every shelf, but I just couldn't find it. After a moment I felt tiny arms hugging my waist. The touch felt familiar. I calmed down instantly and turned around, looking at the person. It was Deku, my Deku. He smiled, but it was different from the recent memories. This smile seemed somehow more..... real. Like the ones from this month were fake and this was his real smile. ''Kacchannnnnn~ Did you look in your pocket?'' The distant voice of Deku asked me. I put my hand in my pocket and there were my keys. I stared at them with disbelief as if those weren't my keys in my hand. Deku laughed hard, his hand covering his mouth. ''Ahw, Kacchan. Should I call you Mr. Forgettable from hencheforth?'' He said with a tease. ''Don't ya dare, this never happens.'' I responded. My voice also sounded distant. ''Sure~'' Deku rolled his eyes with a smile. ''You little sh-'' I wanted to say before his soft lips met mine. ''Good day, Kacchan, I'll see you tonight.'' He whispered and kissed me once more.
After that weird memory, it felt like my whole life came flooding back. Memory after memory. Me and Deku in middle school. Me bullying Deku. Me apoligizing when we were in high school. Me and Deku hanging out. Me regretting everything I did to Deku. Me and Kirishima hanging out. Me and other friends hanging out. Deku kissing me while we were studying. Both of us confused after. Me confessing to Deku. Deku being my boyfriend. Us hanging out with Kirishima, Denki, Shinsou, Mina, Sero and Jirou. All of us going out. Me introducing Deku as my boyfriend to my parents. Him doing the same with me. Us making out. Us doing other things. Us being in love.

And lastly, a car crash. Me and Deku were walking around the city, eating ice cream. He vanilla, I strawberry. Our fingers were interwined. He was rambling about some new manga he just finished and with love I listened to every word. We crossed the street and when we were on the other side, Deku realized his phone fell out of his pocket. I looked back and on the middle of the crossroad laid his phone. As the gentleman I am, I rushed back and quickly grabbed his phone. Luckily it wasn't damaged. When I looked back up I didn't see Deku's face, but a bus out of control caught my attention. It was headed straight for me. The driver desperately tried to get back the control, but he couldn't. Instead of running away, I was frozen in place, looking at the big object that was headed towards me with speed. Just as I closed my eyes, ready to take the hit, I felt small hands pushing me away. Terrified I opened my eyes and slowly looked back to the direction where the hands came from, the familiar touch. My eyes widened when my eyes met those mesmerizing ones, the ones I fell in love with. He was smiling at me, like he was saying that it was going to be okay. Before I could do anything, the bus was in my vision instead of my boyfriend. I smacked to the ground and three seconds later, the bus finally came to a stop. I was frozen, I didn't know what to do. After the bus stopped, everything happend fast. People were in shock, someone called 911, everyone gathered around my Deku and some were asking me if I was alright. I couldn't respond. I looked at the doctors that just arrived, surrounding my love. One of them took his wrist, checked his pulse and shaked his head no to the other doctor. At that moment I broke down. I screamed and cried. This couldn't be true, this is all a lie. This wasn't real. No, it's just a dream. But still I screamed for Deku, like he would just appear infront of me with his arms open. I wailed, my vision became blurry. I didn't care who heard me, I just kept crying and begging for Deku to come back. After a few minutes, I decided to call Ei. I told him what happend the best I could and broke down into tears again. Within two minutes he arrived and even though I didn't have any tears left, as soon as we met eyes I sobbed again. He wrapped his arms around me as we both cried in the middle of the street. He was gone. For ever. My Izuku. My Deku. My love. Gone.

Suddenly I snapped back into reality. My breath was shaky and my cheeks had tear stains on them. I couldn't focus my vision just yet, what the hell happend?! Those memories...... That was Deku, wasn't it? But how- when- wh- I-. I was completely lost. After thinking for a few seconds I looked up, ready to meet those mesmerizing eyes and ask for what happend. But there was no one. I was alone on the bridge. Deku wasn't there.

Then I realized what happend. I realized everything. The puzzle was complete. The reasons why Deku couldn't come to the parties of my friends. God, how could I have been so stupid? Deku was real, he just..... he passed away. And the guy I have been meeting these past days, wasn't really there. He was just my faint memories of Deku. The faint memories that tried to let me remember the other ones. The memories that made me be with my friends again. That was also the reason why my friends felt so familiar, I had met them before. I just... I didn't remember. The Deku I loved for these few days was fake. He wasn't there. Just in my mind. I thought I met the one and he is gone from me. Gone for the second time. Leaving me here alone on this bridge.

So here I am now, looking at the water again, standing on the edge. This time there is nobody to hold me back. It's 00.24, iconic isn't it? The exact time I would have  jumped days ago if he wasn't there. This time something is different. I remember stuff. I remembered everything, the thought of Deku is imprinted in my mind. I have a reason to jump this time. I need him to come back. But he won't, I know that now. Because of me he ended up in that crash. It is my fault. I'm looking at the water and I see his face. His eyes, his hair, his smile. His beautiful smile. It's luring. And I want to go. I need to be with him. Like I said he won't come back. So I'll just go to him. Slowly I let go, my hands are leaving the railing and my feet are walking on their own. I feel the wind surrounding me as I fall, my eyes close and I just see him. Nothing else. Just him. My arms are hugging my own body as I keep falling and falling. I want to see him. I need to hear him. His laugh, just one more time is enough. I want to hear him saying my name. Deku, come back to me, please. I'll be yours. For ever.
And before I can think anything else, the sounds around me quiet down, my vision becomes black and I smile. I'll finally be able to be with him. Finally be able to see his real smile, those freckles and his sparkling eyes. Finally.

My love,

My hero,

My Deku.

The End

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