Chapter 4; Birthday Present

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—————-———1st of September—————————

My last class for that day had ended and me and Sero were walking through the almost empty hallways. ''So you looking forward to tomorrow?'' He asked. ''I know it's kinda last minute, but I promise you Mina will give you the best party ever.'' ''Again, you guys don't have to do this. You've known me for a day, so why would you bother giving me a birthday party?'' I thought it was a little weird, strangers celebrating another stranger's birthday. I mean, they don't know me and I don't know them. Still, I didn't refuse their kindness, otherwise I would look impolite. ''Don't sweat about it dude. LIke Toshi said, you're cool and one of us now.'' He side-hugged me and I didn't mind. I was happy I met such kind people. And I know it's cheesy, but they kinda felt like...... home. I've never really experienced that, my parents hate me. So I didn't dare mess these friendships up. I would caress them forever.

After Sero got some snacks, we walked towards the train station where our ways parted. We said goodbye and I already saw my train arrive. As soon as I stepped onto it, I remembered something. 'Oh yeah, I've gotta invite Deku. Shit, I almost forgot.' I grabbed my phone, before putting it back again. 'Fuck, I didn't even ask his number after a week.' I slapped myself a thousand times in my head. 'And I don't even know if he's still coming, he could've stopped by this morning and notice I wasn't home. Ah, shit I hope he still comes.' I was getting a bit nervous, but tried to not make a big deal out of it. If not today, I could ask the next one right? It would maybe be a little last minute, but it was my birthday, I doubt he could refuse. Lost in thought I arrived at my station and walked towards the flat I lived in.
I walked up the stairs since the elevator was broken, but I didn't really mind. My apartment was on the second floor, so I couldn't complain. When I arrived at the second floor I had my keys in my hands, looking for the right one. As soon as I found it, I looked up and saw someone sitting next to apartment. That someone wore a long, brown coat and had shoes with the laces messy. They also were reading a manga and had very outstanding green hair. And lastly they had a concentrated face full of freckles. I silently walked further and kneeled down before him. Sitting on my heels, I pulled the manga a down a little, saying: ''Watcha reading?'' The boy looked up surprised, not noticing my presence earlier. Flabbergasted soon turned into exciting and he exclaimed a ''Kacchan!'' before giving me a hug. Now I was the one who froze and didn't know what to do. But that soon ended when I returned the hug. ''I was waiting for you.'' He whispered in my ear. He looked and sounded tired, nothing like the energetic Deku I knew. Still did I find it fucking adorable.

''How long have you been waiting?'' I opened the door and took of my shoes and coat, Deku doing the same. ''Hm, I don't know, maybe one or two hours.'' I turned to face him. ''Two hours?! Why the hell would you wait so long. Didn't you know I had classes?'' He only chuckled before walking towards me again. ''I just wanted to see you.'' He whispered tired and gave me another hug. ''I missed you.'' He mumbled into my shirt. After a second I closed my armes around him, chin resting on his head. ''I missed you too.'' I whispered softly, but from the way he smiled into my shirt I knew he heard.
After hugging for a little while, I went cooking for us both. Deku looked hungry and tired, so he decided to nap a little before dinner started. I was making ramen, just something easy to fill our stomachs with. Not the instant kind though, I made them as delicious as I could make them. And I wanted Deku to sleep a little longer, just so he could gain some more energy. After about half an hour, I walked with two plates towards the sofa Deku was napping on. I put the plates down and sat down before Deku, on the ground. I slowly brushed his hair away from his face while whispering: ''Deku~ Wake up~ Dinner is ready.'' He looked like an angel, even though he was sleeping. He looked like heaven itself. Such a beautiful sight. I carresed his cheek, touching the freckles that made me fall in love with this person. 'Wait, love?' I thought before smiling to myself. Yeah, love. I fell in love with him. A guy I knew for a week, but wanted to know for years. A guy who made me feel like it was okay to be myself. A guy that made me make new friends. A guy that made me fall in love. The moment got interupted by green eyes fluttering open. I was greeted with a smile, one that made my heart melt. ''Hello, Kacchan.'' He said, leaning into my touch. I never could get enough of that sweet voice. ''Is dinner ready?'' I hummed and passed him his plate as he slowly sat upright to eat. I stood up and sat down next to him, eating my food.
''Hey uhm, so I met up with those guys yesterday and they sort of planned a birthday party for me tomorrow?'' I scratched my neck awkwardly. I didn't even know why I was awkward, I was just inviting him. ''So, I was wondering if you could come tomorrow? I get the details later, I'll send them to you if you want.'' Just as I was saying that, I received a text message from someone. It read: 'Heyyyyyyyyyy, it's me Mina! I got your number form Ei and wanted to inform you about your party tomorrow. Don't think I forgot, I was maybe very drunk, but I never forget parties :P. We meet up at Ei's around 2 pm, if that's okay with you. Let me know if you have any other urgent questions!' ''Well, uhm apparently it's around two in the afternoon tomorrow.'' I shrugged a little nervous. ''Can you come? You can just come to my house and we'll walk to Kiri's together.'' He showed another one of his smiles. ''I would love too.'' Is the only thing he said, but it made me so happy. So I gave him my most bright smile as answer. He laughed a little and gave me another hug. ''Thank you for dinner.'' He said. ''Thank you for being such a good friend.'' I said in return. He chuckled a little and released the hug, wanting to talk about the manga he was reading before. And I loved it. I loved his excitement, his sparkly eyes, his everything.
Fucking hell, I was madly in love with him.  

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