Chapter 3; Lovebirds

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—————-———30th of August—————————

The past five days have been exciting. Deku came over to my house every day. It didn't matter if it was early in the morning or the middle of the night, he always came. We became closer every day and my feelings grew bigger every minute. I know that I said I would never be in a relationship with him, but he just seemed to get cuter everytime we hung out. And I couldn't help, but think that way since Kiri brought it up the other day. We've also been hanging out. Not every day like Deku, but like one time after the night we got drunk and I obviously saw him when he was working. I like hanging out with him, we have much in common. He is very loud and doesn't stop talking, but he is still a very good friend.
Finally after six days of knowing each other, I got to meet his other friends. I was very nervous and worried, the same feeling I had when I first met Eijiro. It was a Thursday and I didn't have classes, so that's why we could meet up. When I woke up that morning I was very nervous, but also excited. I made breakfast, again cereal of course, and sat on my sofa eating it. I pretended like I was doing something important on my phone, but in reality I was secretly waiting for Deku to come. It was ten in the morning and we decided to meet up around two in the afternoon at Kiri's house to meet his friends. I wanted to ask Deku if he could join us, so that I could introduce him to Kirishima. He was very curious about the friend who made me blush and smile every time I talked about him. Of course I was also very nervous about that. I mean what if he doesn't like the fact that Deku is a boy. Or what if one of his friends doesn't accept gay relationships. That's also why I didn't tell him yet that I'm bisexual. I first got to find out if he accepts it or not. I was deep in thought and almost didn't hear the doorbell. After a few seconds I realized it went off and I rushed to the door, ninety-nine percent sure it was Deku. I opened the door with a smile, but it faded when I realized it was just the delivery guy giving me a package. I was a bit dissapointed, but didn't show it since it would be rude towards him. I mean, the guy is also just doing his job. When I closed the door, I walked towards the sofa and opened my order along the way. It was a green hoodie, the same color as Deku's hair. I saw it while scrolling through some clothes and couldn't stop myself from buying it. It reminded me of him and it made me happy. So happy that I was looking at a hoodie while blushing in the middle of my living room. After observing it, I took the t-shirt I was currently wearing off, so I could wear the hoodie instead. But the moment got interupted by the doorbell ringing again. This time I was so sure it was Deku that I immediatly ran towards the door. I opened it quickly and was met with the oh so familiar freckles and green hair. ''Hey.'' I said a little out of breath. He was reading a manga, so it took a second before he looked up at me. And yes, this nerd reads mangas while walking outside. When he finished the page, he closed it and finally looked up. His face turned a bright red. ''H-hey.'' He stuttered. I was confused before I looked down and realized..... I was still shirtless. 'Omgimstandinginfrontofdekuwithoutashirtwhatdoidowhatdoidoplayitcoolcomeonyougotthis' So I leaned against the doorframe, hiding the fact I was panicking on the inside and played it off like I always walk around like this in the morning. ''Wanna come in?'' ''Y-yeah, uhm of course.'' He hid his face and quickly walked inside. 'This may be totally embarrasing, but his face is totally worth it. Agh, he's so cute.' I thought to myself. I didn't know for sure if Deku felt the same way about me as I felt about him, but his reaction gave me a little bit more hope. Being lonely without friends sucks, but it does give you time to work out and that leads to cute reactions of cute boys. So it is totally worth it.
''What were you reading just now?'' I asked while I put on my new green hoodie. Not too fast, I still want to see his blushing face. His eyes started to sparkle when I asked him. ''The one we talked about yesterday. I really love it, they draw the main characters so well.'' He started to mumble after that which I found too adorable. He truly loved this. ''You know that you can also draw very good, right?'' I've seen some of his drawings, they're really amazing. He blushed at the compliment. ''T-thank you.'' He gave me a smile along with his bright red cheeks. After that we started talking more about the manga until it was around lunch time.
''What do you want to eat?'' I was standing in the kitchen, looking through the food I had left. ''Actually, I made sushi for us.'' I turned around and only then realized he brought a bag along. In the bag were some lunchboxes filled with home-made sushi. He stalled them onto the counter and grabbed a piece of the nigiri. ''Here, try some, I want to know if you like it.'' I leaned forwards and ate the sushi while looking in his eyes. ''Hm, it's really good.'' I said with a full mouth. I smirked inside my head when I saw Deku blush again. He lit up after hearing me say that and stuffed me full with sushi. In the end I ate almost all of it. I feeded the rest to Deku and then we cleaned up. ''Oh, I meant to ask you earlier, but I'm meeting up with Kiri and some of his friends today. Can you tag along?'' ''Oh Kacchan, I'm so sorry, you should've asked me earlier. I already have plans and actually have to go after cleaning this up.'' He looked truly sorry and I could've expected this. I literally asked last minute. ''Oh it's okay, really.'' I gave him a reasurring smile and finished cleaning up.
''I really like your sweater, do you have it new?'' He was putting on his coat and shoes, almost ready to leave. ''Yeah, I got it today. I like it too.'' 'Because it reminds me of you.' I shook the thought away and focused on Deku. ''I should go now, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Kacchan!'' He opened the door and right before he stepped outside he slipped and was falling backwards. I rushed forwards and cathed him before he fell onto the ground. ''You should be careful...'' My words trailed off when I noticed how close our faces were. Our noses were almost touching. I looked into his eyes, locking them together. And if I'm not mistaken, I swear he glanced at my lips for a brief second. After a few seconds I realized the position we were in and helped him standing up straight again. ''Yeah uhm t-thanks. I have to go now, bye!'' He said quickly and left in a hurry. ''Bye.'' I said before shutting the door shut and burying face in my hands. 'We were so close, I could smell him. He smelled like mint, the nice one. Oh my god, he smelled so good. Why the hell does he smell so good.' I sat down on my sofa and replayed the incident of just now a few times in my head. 'We were really close, damnit. I could've kissed him. He looked at my lips! But do I really want to kiss him? Do I really have feelings for Deku?' And so did I spent an hour thinking about the boy with green hair and freckles.

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