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Kwang Soo's POV:

I'm here at the airport. I'll go to the Philippines to check my niece and I'm with the girls, even though they hate to be here they still need to go with me to meet their future wife.

"uhm... Girls?" I called them "Yes Oppa?" Jihyo answered "Are you ready to meet your future wife?" I asked her she looked down and shook her head. I sigh and waited the airplane to be prepared.


After the airplane is now prepared I told the girls to go get their bags and go to the private airplane.

After a few minutes we already left Korea.

Y/n's POV:

It's a normal da, I ready myself to school and sigh 'I want to go to korea' I said to myself and go down to eat.

After eating I bid my bye to mom and go to school, I saw Lucas waiting for me but with Zoe? 'What the heck ?' "hey, Y/N!" Zoe greeted me and hug me "Hello, Zoe" I said and hug her back "How about me!?!?!" Lucas sulked "Your a man now you don't need it" I said jokingly and he pouts "Stop pouting, Lucas you look like a duck" I said and laugh "Yah!!"


The class was done and it's so boring. "Hey, want to hangout to the mall?" I asked Zoe, Lucas and Mica they agreed.

I asked asked dad to drove us to the mall and he said yes "Y/n? Don't forget to go home at exact 6 sharp. We have visitors coming" dad said "Okay dad, bye drive safe" I said and he nods and bid his good byes.

We enter the mall and started buying things that we need "Do you think I need to buy something for the visitors?" I asked my friends and they said yes so I decided to buy things that I think our visitors would like.

(A/n:Y/n doesn't know that the visitors are her uncle and TWICE. Back to the story)

I should text mom to know how many our visitors are.


                        Mom how many visitors     will go in our house?

10 people, why?

Oh nothing mom! Thank you for
your time mom, love yah!

Oh.. okay Y/n just make sure
you go home safe.

Closed the chat

I forgot to asked the genders! Arghh!! I said to myself. Let's just pick random stuff for them. I picked a bunny, puppy, penguin, unicorn, raccoon, pig, lion cub, panda, and reindeer stuffed toy and I bought a 10 perfume.I decided to buy a 13 milktea for the visitors and my mom and dad.

"Oh Y/n, it's almost 6 you sgould go home now!" They said and nod. I bid my goodbyes with them and go home.

After a long ride I already got home and saw a unfamiliar vehicle parked in the garage 'wahhh, there already here' I said to myself. I walked to the front door and open it to be greeted by our maids.

"Just in time" dad said to me "Good evening dad, where's mom?" I asked dad he pointed at the kitchen I mouth thank you to dad and go to the kitchen.

"Good evening mom!" I said "Good evening to you too Y/n" mom said and smiled "What are you cooking mom?Can I help?" I asked "Chicken Adobo, Jokbal, and ramen, yes you can help" I smiled and put the things that I bought in the table and start helping mom.


Me and mom are done cooking. This is my first time seeing many dishes in our dining table "Y/n call your dad and tell him that we will eat" I nodded and called dad "Dad dinner is ready!!" I said and to my surprise he's with someone?

I greeted them but they ignore me 'how rude' I said to myself and just that I lost my appetite "Mom I don't want to eat" I said and mom just nodded and I grab my matcha flavoured milk tea "Btw I bought milkteas for you guys" I said and walked away.

I open my bedroom door and saw a girl laying on my bed wearing my clothes 'What the hell?' I looked at the girl and she was sleeping. I decided to wake her up cause it's time for dinner "Uhm hey? Wake up it's time for dinner" I said and shake her body. After shaking her body for a whole 5 damn minutes she finally wake up. She sits up and rub her eyes like a kid "Where am I?" She asked "In my room" I said and she looked at me she looks familiar....wait TZUYU?TZUYU FROM TWICE?"TZUYU!?!" I exclaimed and she giggled"Yes I'm Tzuyu" she smiled "Can you come with me in the dinning room? Your mansion is too big" she said and I just nod "btw i bought you this for a gift" I gave her the reindeer stuffed toy and perfume that I bought she smiled at me and says thank you.

Me and Tzuyu go back at the dinning room and saw mom talking to the eight girls happily "Mom you didn't tell me that they are girls" I said and pout "I looked at that and saw "Uncle? What are you doing here?" I asked him "Later your dad will explain all of it to you" he said and I just nod and give them the gifts that I bought.

"Are you gonna eat?" Mom asked "No mom" I said and go to the living room. After they chitchat someone sit beside me, i look at that someone and saw Jihyo "Do you need so-" she cutted me and said "No matter what happen we will never marry a useless girl like you" Jihyo said and leave.

I ran to my room and locked myself, I cried because Jihyo's words are too harsh and I don't even know what she was saying. After a few minutes someone knock at my door interrupting my crying session, I opened the door and see Tzuyu worried. She entered my room and I close the door "Uhm..Tzuyu what does Jihyo mean by me marrying you guys?" I asked "Y-you didn't know about that?" Tzuyu asked and I nod "You're marrying us because of us being in danger but one thing is wrong, me and the unnies have a boyfriend" I formed a 'O' in my lips "Jihyo said harsh words to me though.." I mumbled but she heard it "Jihyo unnie did that?" I nod "Y/n How old are you?" she asked "I'm turning 18 on June" I said and she was shocked "YOU'RE ONLY 17?!?!" she shouted and I nod "You need to address me and my unnies 'Unnie' because We're older than you" she said "Can I call you babe instead of unnie?" I jokingly said "Ofcourse babe" we laugh at each other until mom called us to say something.

Me and Tzuyu unnie go down and all of them are looking at us and I gave them 'What are you thinking' look and when we reach the living room I sit at the sofa close to mom and dad "Y/n we need to tell you something" Dad said "That I need to marry this girls because there in danger" "Dad I'm only 17 years old, I can't even handle my emotions at this age" I said and look at my dad that is suprised"Who told you that you will marry them?" "Jihyo unnie" I said and I look at her still processing something "YOU'RE ONLY 17!?!?" They all exclaimed except Tzuyu "Yes" I said shortly "Y/n you still need to marry them" Dad said and I just nod "But how about my studies?" I asked him "You will just finish this school year and you will go to korea with them BUT you will live with them without me and your mother" he said "So I will use my penthouse?" He nods and I look at the girls "Okay dad just make sure unnies are safe, I still have school tomorrow good night" I said and go to my room.

I washed myself and get ready to go to sleep and someone knock again. I opened the door and see Tzuyu unnie "Do you need something Tzuyu unnie?" I asked "Can I sleep here? I feel comfortable in this room" she said and I just nod "Unnie go change first" I said "I don't have a sleeping clothes" "You can borrow mine" I said and just that she changed her clothes "Thank you" she said and smiled.

I lay down on my bed and she lay down to. I close my eyes and felt someone hugged me "Unnie why are you hugging me?" I asked "It makes me comfortable so let me" I just hummed and we both drift to sleep.


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