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Tzuyu's POV:

I woke up as my alarm went on, I checked the time and saw that it's already 2 in the morning. I immediately stand up and get ready because it's our flight today.

While I'm getting ready I suddenly remember the times that me and Taehyung are together, I smiled like a weird person in the mirror "I miss you Taehyung-ah" I mumbled "Tzuyu-ssi, are you done? We're gonna leave soon!!!!"Dahyun unnie said "Almost unnie!!" I said and I quickly did my thing.

After getting ready I immediately go outside the bathroom and go downstairs just to see Mrs. Zhang is waiting for us "Take care girls" Mrs. Zhang said and hugged us "We will mom" we said at the same time "Thank you for letting us stay and accepting us like your real daughter, Mrs. Zhang" Jihyo unnie said and bow "You're all welcome" Mrs. Zhang said and smiled "We will go now Mom! See you when we see you!" I said and bid my good bye to mrs. Zhang.After saying goodbye to mrs. Zhang we immediately go inside the fan before we get lage for our flight.


LOCATION: in the airport

We arrived just in time and it was 2:42 in the morning, we immediately got out of the van and went inside the airport to our private jet. We entered our private jet and waited till the pilot announced that we would leave. After that I plugged my airpods in my ears and listened to music.

Y/n's POV:

I tried to open my eyes but I only see darkness, darkness that I hate to see when I was a kid but now? It's my comfort zone but not today, I want to hug Tzuyu and say sorry to her. I tried my best to move but I couldn't "Help! Please anyone help me !!" I said but it's just echoing.I used all of my strength to try and open my eyes and move but I still failed. I rested for a moment and after a while I forced my body to move and I successfully did, I opened my eyes just to be greeted by Abhy looking at me with puffy eyes "Y-Y/n? You're awake!!" Abhy exclaimed and called the doctor.

The doctor immediately checked on me and said "You recover very fast, Ms. Zhang and that's a good thing because your girlfriend here kept on crying her eyes out" The doctor said and pointed at Abhy "I'll leave you now Ms. Zhang and Ms. Rayo" the doctor said and left.

"Did he just call you my girlfriend?" I asked her and she nodded "Your mom asked me to look after you while sleeping that's why I'm here" Abhy said and smiled, I nodded as a response and asked her "Can you text mom?" "Mhm, yes" Abhy replied and fished her phone  from her bag and texted mom "Thank you Abhy" I said and she smiled.


Mom arrived at the hospital and she's with me and Abhy "Uhm, mom? Where is Tzuyu?" I asked her, mom looked at me and said "They came back to Korea and they refused to be with you" she said that made my heart break into pieces. I wanted to cry but I tried my best not to be emotional because of them "O-oh, okay mom" I said and faced mom with my back and I silently cried while trying to comfort nyself.

Nayeon's POV:

We arrived in Korea, me and the girls are getting down the private jet. We entered the airport and waited for a few minutes for our luggage. After waiting we immediately went outside of the airport just to be greeted by our fans and a van, when the van opened we saw our boyfriends and smiled "Jagiya, I missed you" I said to Minhyuk, he smiled and said "I miss you too, Jagi" and he kissed my lips that made me blush. I looked at our maknae and saw her having a moment with Taehyung, I can sense that Tzuyu gave Taehyung a 2nd chance "Let's go now baby, I'm tired" I pouted and looked at Minhyuk, he nodded and signals the other boys to go because we are all tired.

Y/n's POV:

After I cried my eyes out I decided to date someone but I need to court her first. I told my mom about it and she gladly agreed and supported me same as dad "Uhm, Y/n can I talk to you for a minute?" Abhy asked me and I nod, I looked at my mom and signaled her to leave and wait outside.

"What do you want to talk about, Abhy?" I asked "Are you and Tzuyu really in a relationship?" She asked but before I could answer she cutted me "Because if not can I be with you instead? Y-you know about my feelings towards you right?" Abhy asked and I nod "So why not me, Y/n? Am I not enough?" She asked me "Of course you are more than enough, Abhy" I said "Then why not me?" She asked me and I looked at her "It's just I'm scared to hurt your feelings in the future and I don't want you to get hurt by me" I said she looked at me eye to eye and said "Can we at least try?" She asked with full of hope in her eyes "Yes, we can try" I said that made her smile and hug me "Stop crying now, I love you" I said and whipe her tears "I love you more Y/n" she said and smiled. I kissed her forehead and stroked her hair, I cuddled with her till she fell asleep.


3rd Person's POV:

Mrs. Zhang entered Y/n's room to check at them and when she looked at the two girls they were cuddling, Mrs. Zhang smiled at the sight of the twoce girls cuddling like a bear. Mrs. Zhang looked at the time and saw that it was getting late but suddenly her phone rang and she fished her phone and looked at the callers id and the name of the caller is Sana, Mrs. Zhang answers it and goes outside "Hello dear, are you guys in Korea now?" Mrs. Zhang asked "Yes mrs. Zhang!" Sana exclaimed that made Mrs. Zhng giggled "I have good news" Mrs. Zhang said "What is it Mrs. Zhang?" Sana asked "Y/n is awake now but she's sleeping with her girlfriend" Mrs. Zhang said but Sana frowned when she heard the 'girlfriend' word "Y/n has a girlfriend?" She asked mrs. Zhang and mrs. Zhang nods "Her name is Abhy and she is a very kind, sweet and caring girl" mrs. Zhang said
"Oh look at the time it's already late, sanayah, go to sleep now good night" mrs. Zhang said and bid her good byes with Sana.

Sana's POV:

After the call with mom I put down the phone 'what is this feeling? Did I become jealous Because of that abhy girl? Did I fall for her already?' I asked myself. I ignored my thoughts and went to sleep.


Double update cause why not?
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